MovieChat Forums > Where the Day Takes You (1992) Discussion > Sean Astin Should Have Gotten An Oscar. ...

Sean Astin Should Have Gotten An Oscar. Or At Least A Nomination

His role in this film was haunting and mezmorizing. I think there should have been some nomination.

"Wise man say: forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza. "


OMG someone finally said it! At least, someone other than me! I totally agree, 100%!


I still want to see that movie after 13 years. I only saw the commercials.


You should def. see it! It's very good and ITA with the starter of this post about Sean Astin. He did a VERY good job in this and should have at least gotten a nomination.


Sean Astin was indeed very strong and convincing as a drug addict. His ultimate fate in the film is extremely chilling and disturbing. I too think Astin deserved at least an Oscar nomination for his exceptional acting.

"Warren Oates died for our sins"


It's weird hearing him actually using a curse word. Not that that's bad or anything, but I just can't imagine him actually saying any of those things that the script calls for him to say at times.

Unofficial Site


the quote about the pizza

isnt that quote from tmnt?


I know! I watched it tonight and I was shocked to hear him swear so much! I was like "Wow! He probbably doesn't swear that much in a week!" lol
I so agree with whoever said he should have been nominated to an Oscar! He was also robbed for Rudy and Sam in Lord Of The Rings.


I totally agree with this and i keep looking for him to do something as gritty and as powerful as he was in this. He was wonderful in LOTR and RUDY, I still think that WHERE THE DAY TAKES YOU is his best role. He did a bunch of the kid roles, the comedic, wise ass little brother (even in Staying Together) and then he did this and even my parents were amazed how good he was in this. I keep this role in the back of my mind when I see him, "knowing" that he's able to do something like this part.

I wasn't that big of a fan of RUDY, but I liked how he was picking more "adult" roles and had picked a drama, showing that he could do more than something like the "kids" he played in LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON and ENCINO MAN. I think that he played the part well. I just think that he was better in WHERE THE DAY TAKES YOU.

I loved him in LOTR and think that he SHOULD have gotten a nomination for his role as SAM in RETURN OF THE KING.

One day, I hope to hear his name called on Oscar morning.


His performance was amazing. It's just unfortunate that "Where The Day Takes You" fell under mainstream Hollywood's radar. I think this film is the only one I can recall out of hand as a favorite from the year 1992 .

Live Long and Prosper!


i agree with this so so much. actually to the point where i think its too weird that he didnt. unless there was a more powerful performance in 92(which is highly unlikely). the fact that we are used to astins other roles that are quite far from The character of greg is a factor because he pulls out one amazingly stunning and extremly authtentic performance. in conlcusion, something about him not getting at least a nomination is extremly weird. very weird. NWO weird.

"its 98.6 over here baby" - KING (dermot mulroney) W.T.D.T.Y 1992


"I agree with this so so much. Actually to the point where I think its too weird that he didn't. unless there was a more powerful performance in 92(which is highly unlikely). the fact that we are used to Astin's other roles that are quite far from The character of Greg is a factor because he pulls out one amazingly stunning and extremely authentic performance. In conclusion, something about him not getting at least a nomination is extremely weird. Very weird. NWO weird. "---jamesbarnshaw

Yeah, I think what happened is that Hollywood was different in the eighties and nineties. It's not like the 2000's where a low-budget film can come out of nowhere and surprise everyone. "Where the day Takes You" was made by a minor studio and wasn't part of the entrenched powerbrokers. Well, that's my take on it.

Live Long and Prosper!


I concur.
