I totally agree with this and i keep looking for him to do something as gritty and as powerful as he was in this. He was wonderful in LOTR and RUDY, I still think that WHERE THE DAY TAKES YOU is his best role. He did a bunch of the kid roles, the comedic, wise ass little brother (even in Staying Together) and then he did this and even my parents were amazed how good he was in this. I keep this role in the back of my mind when I see him, "knowing" that he's able to do something like this part.
I wasn't that big of a fan of RUDY, but I liked how he was picking more "adult" roles and had picked a drama, showing that he could do more than something like the "kids" he played in LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON and ENCINO MAN. I think that he played the part well. I just think that he was better in WHERE THE DAY TAKES YOU.
I loved him in LOTR and think that he SHOULD have gotten a nomination for his role as SAM in RETURN OF THE KING.
One day, I hope to hear his name called on Oscar morning.