MovieChat Forums > Wayne's World (1992) Discussion > Very funny non mentioned moment!

Very funny non mentioned moment!

When everyone is at Stan Mikita's donuts, Wayne asks Mr. Withers how his amusement park is going, and he tells him "Fine Wayne, fine". Mr Withers then stares at Neil with an odd glance, and Neil has a nervous look on his face, and the two of them turn and face the bar. What gets me every time is Terry's reaction, which gives the impression that he senses something weird between Mr. Withers and Neil.


What always makes me laugh about this scene is that Neil appears to be drinking from a little stainless steel jug of milk (or cream) that's usually served with a pot of tea!

Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way


Haha, never took notice of that! I'll have to watch it again now lol.

Did you notice how there was another Stan Mikita's donut shop behind the main one that everyone was at? When the camera follows Glen, you can see it behind outside.


I afyually just noticed it for the first time today, and I have seen this movie thousands of times! I was wondering what that was all about... I'm still scratching my head about it.


Maybe Terry loved him.


He also appears in the second alternate ending, when Benjamin is unmasked to reveal Old Man Withers, who "would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you snooping kids."




Right. That whole scene introducing Old Man Withers was (in typical Scooby Doo fashion) only inserted so he could be unmasked as the villain later on. That was the only scene in the movie my dad laughed at.
