Doesn't hold up.

I tried watching this one again after having not seen it in years and it just wasn't as funny as I remember it being. I guess it's better left as a memory.


I agree. From watching it recently, I couldn't even sit through it. It really doesn't hold up well at all.


Saw it in the theater opening weekend and have watched it regularly over the last 25 or so years, and I never get tired of it. It still makes me laugh out loud every time.


he's wrong.


The fact that it's such a circa 1991-92 time capsule is part of its charm. Sure, the individual jokes and references would be lost on some people now, unless they had a really good secondhand knowledge of the late 80s/early 90s... but that doesn't make it any less entertaining. Maybe I'm biased being a kid in the early 90s, but I love almost everything about that era, so watching movies like this is like visiting an old friend in a way.


I could not disagree more strongly. Wayne's World is great brilliant comedy.. I suppose some "get it" and others do not. I definitely get it and appreciate the GREAT Wayne's World.

~~the coins in the jar are for charity,~~
~~the coins in the tray are for sharing~~


It holds up just fine, it just means that you've changed. The movie, any movie for that matter, doesn't age only people do. A movie is immortalized for all time on film and it's the same today as it was then.


Totally disagree. "Wayne's World" and "Wayne's World II" hold up great. I never get tired of watching them and the SNL skits are still just as funny. Perhaps these movies are a little cleaner humor by today's standards, I was always happy the "f" word wasn't in them. Of the pair, Garth was always my favorite but I like the group with Alan and Terry a bunch. Outside of Wayne's World however I never really got into their other movies though they were done well; "Austin Powers", "So I Married an Ax Murderer" and "Clean Slate" to name a few. I thought all their SNL characters were really funny, especially Church Lady and Horrible Head Wound Harry lol. Hard to say which movie One or Two was the better one, both are fun to watch.


is just fine.. people change and the kiddies don't get it cause they too young
