This movie is pretty entertaining. It could have been better but it is very tongue-in-cheek. The first Waxwork is bettttttter!!!!!
I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass.. and I all out of bubblegum
This movie is pretty entertaining. It could have been better but it is very tongue-in-cheek. The first Waxwork is bettttttter!!!!!
I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass.. and I all out of bubblegum
the first waxwork is a better movie, it's really good, not much compared to the movies of today, but let's remember, it was made in the 80's.
BUT the second is FAAAR more entertaining, i couldn't stop laughing, and the musical cues, and plotlines are so ...cheesy AND unpredictable, that i can't help but love it.
God Bless John Lennon and George Harrison
I find both very entertaining
shareYeah because no decent films were made until after the 80s...
shareThe 80's was just a different time for film. Today, any sort of horror tries to take itself too seriously, or it tries to be clever in a Scream type fashion. Back then, it seemed as though a willingness to be campy or silly was more commonplace. In ways, the genre was more uninhibited at that time.
I thought this was a worthy and enjoyable sequel to the fun original.
I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!