MovieChat Forums > Universal Soldier (1992) Discussion > The 'science' behind this film?

The 'science' behind this film?

I've always been a fan of action movies of Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Willis, Van Damme etc. I've watched "Universal Soldier" dozens of times but I still can't exactly figure out the "science" of this movie.

How do they bring people back from the DEAD?!!?!? Even movies set in the distant future rarely dare to show such advancement in technology that people can effortlessly be brought back to life yet this movie, set in 1992, seems to have "overcome" death.

Not only bringing people back to life 20 years after their death, but also making them stronger and giving them super healing abilities. So if a "Unisol" gets shot, you just put him in the freezer and he is as good as new.

And if such technology exists, then why only use it on soldiers? Why not bring EVERY dead person back to life? Just don't erase their memories and they can continue living their lives normally.

While I enjoyed this movie, I feel that it was heavily "inspired" from "Terminator 2" but made on a much smaller budget. The small budget is also the possible reason for the sloppy science shown in this movie as the filmmakers didn't have a lot of money to spend on impressive CGI (or good writers!). I actually found it very funny when one poster on this board claimed that "Universal Soldier" was better than "Terminator 2". Never seen a more absurd comparision.

But in my opinion, there was no need to resort to this "back from the dead" storyline. Even on a smaller budget and without CGI, this movie could have been much better if the filmmakers had eliminated the whole Vietnam War part. Instead they should have shown Van Damme and Lundgren's characters being fatally wounded (but NOT killed!) in another battle in the present time and then the "brilliant" scientists injecting them with some "experimental" serum to heal their injuries and make them stronger than normal human beings.

"I'm the dude playin' the dude, disguised as another dude!"



It's not "reservation of disbelief", it's "suspension of disbelief".

You SUSPEND disbelief, you don't make a reservation for it, for crying out loud.

