Why is it always Nixon?

If you watch the Steven Seagal-movie (can't remember which, because to me, all his movies seem alike), where he realizes that he has been in coma for a long time, he also watches old tricky dick on the idiot box.

Why is it always Nixon?

Wasn't there ANY other famous human being alive during the sixties, that would still have been alive a couple (or a few) decades later? Nixon is not the best example of a good human being, and yet, it's always his mug that is shown in these movies.

Are scriptwriters really THAT imaginationless or is there some secret pact in hollywoody that all action movies that have something to do with someone realizing they have been 'away' for a long time, must have old nixon on TV for them to stare at in disbelief?


Simple he was the president at the time of his death, the president is probably the most known person in America if it was just a random celeb from 69 he may not have known who they where. He was the obvious choice for this movie why other movies use nixon I don't know.
