Universal Soldier , Regenaration , Day of reckoning cult classic trilogy
Universal Soldier , Regenaration , and Day of reckoning if viewed as a trilogy each film got better and more interesting and deserve much higher ratings on imdb.Universal Soldier series became the weirdest, most indestructible film franchise of our time.Sometimes a simple, formulaic genre film breaks free of its format, takes root in the hearts and minds of a generation, and becomes something larger, greater — a modern myth. Movies like these don’t just spawn sequels; they sort of demand them, by building alluring, fully realized worlds to which moviegoers long to return, if only for a few more hours.The general consensus among Soldier fans who’ve seen both is that the stripped-down Regeneration — Universal Soldier plus Bourne plus Metal Gear Solid, shot in a color palette best described as “Eastern European City With Really Good Tax Breaks Blue/Gray” —and day of Reckoning is ambitious.