MovieChat Forums > Universal Soldier (1992) Discussion > needs a higher rating on imdb

needs a higher rating on imdb

needs a higher rating on imdb not only is it van damme and dolphs best it was roland emmerichs best film.


ive rewatched htis alot and score it a 10. one of the problems with imdb is anyone can rate something weather they have seen it or not

Rob Zombie is one of the greatest movie directors today


Do you have an obsessive compulsive disorder regarding this movie? You alone have posted more on this board than all others combined, starting a vast majority of the topics (including repeated posting of this very topic) a half dozen times. Do you worship this movie or are you just bored?


Yea, man WTF is 5.8/10, are you stupid, IMBDers? This should be 10/10 in my eyes for sure!


Higher rating i agree but it is not Emmerich's best film, lol.



how does it get only 5.8 when crap like the matrix gets a 8.7 when I saw the matrix I felt like this when I saw uni sol I felt like this


Sh!t yes! this movie deserves a much higher rating
