Ranking of the UniSol series
Hey guys,
just finished my UniSol marathon this weekend, here's my final ranking of the series (excluding the crappy made-for-TV flicks without JCVD):
1. Universal Soldier (7.5 / 10) - Unsurprisingly, this one still takes the crown. JCVD and Dolph (basically all of his lines are gold) have never been better. Good performances all around, awesome opening and epic final fight. An action classic for sure and probably my favorite JCVD film right next to 'Hard Target'.
2. Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning (7 / 10) - Wow, just wow. When everybody expected just another generic straight-to-DVD actioner, Hyams manages to surprise with this intense mix of UniSol, 'Apocalypse Now' and a little bit of 'Blade Runner'. The lack of JCVD and Dolph is a little disappointing (even though Dolph's scenes are quite memorable), but Scott Adkins' powerful performance as well as the best fights of the entire series are more than enough to make up for that.
I also liked the ending with John replacing Luc as the leader of the Unisols gone rogue, no need to go continue the series imo.
3. Universal Solider: Regeneration (5.5 / 10) - Some good hand-to-hand fights are to be found here, but it still feels like a straight-to-DVD flick made in Eastern Europe on a small budget. JCVD does a solid job, but Dolph, save for the cool fight against JCVD, is almost completely wasted. A solid entry in the series after the disappointment that 'The Return' was.
4. Universal Soldier: The Return (2 / 10) - A complete dud which felt like it was made for TV. The story sucks, same with some of the performances (any scene including Bill Goldberg made me cringe). Horrible special fx, an annoying love angle between Luc & the female lead plus an anticlimactic finale make this film a strain to watch for any fan of the first film.
So, anyone else who'd like to share their $0.02? ☺
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