MovieChat Forums > Troll 2 Discussion > What would you like to see in a Remake?

What would you like to see in a Remake?

Honestly I loved this film since I was a little kid. Initially when I first saw it I thought it was a comedy. It wasn't until a few years later when I was a little older and saw it again I realized it was meant to be a semi-serious horror film, and sadly failed miserably at that. Which in a sense made it funny for a different reason.

This has been called the worst movie every made, and even though I know I've seen worse. The statement isn't totally inaccurate. I do agree with the tag line "It's so bad, it's good". It's a guilty pleasure for sure. Regardless if you love it or hate it, it's become a cult classic.

However after watching it again the other day on DVD (I really need to get the Blu-Ray), I thought to myself it has the makings of a good horror movie if done right. Personally I wouldn't mind seeing a remake. It would be nice to see some bad horror movies get remakes instead of the good ones.

Things I would like to see in a remake. First would be a larger budget, I'm not batty I know this would have a budget of at least in the range of 3 to 10 million as it would probably be a straight to DVD/Blu-Ray release. However anything is better then the slightly less than 1 million the original Troll 2 was made on. Another change I would like to see is to the Goblins/Trolls themselves. In the original they were either children or little people in bad Halloween makes. In a remake I wouldn't mind adult sized goblins with decent scary make-up. To make them well scary, and more menacing.

Another change would be to make Josh and his sister Holly older. Have them be in the 18-21 year old range so you could try and do more with the characters and the story. Also even though I found the concept humorous, for a remake I wouldn't have the goblins turn people into vegetable food. I have no problem with goblins feeding on human begins, or even breeding with them to increase their numbers. It's just the turning humans into vegetable goo is kind of goofy.

I would also include the horror film staples of violence, blood, gore, sex, and nudity. I wouldn't want to see them pull their punches, and I wouldn't want to see a tame horror film. It's a horror film so it should automatically be scary, deranged, and taboo. There's no need to be politically correct, it's a horror film which in itself is exploitation, so just revile in it. I also wouldn't mind seeing it have a darker story with Josh possibly being the only survivor as the rest of his family gets corrupted and or killed along the way.
