For me, it's nit-picky things, like the fact vegetarians consider coffee "the Devil's drink." But also the corn scene. The corn scene is definitely worth a mention. That, and the fact the Waits could have easily taken a drive into a nearby town to pick up food instead of, y'know, starving for three days.
When the dad catches the town force feeding his son ice cream, that should've been the moment he decides they need to get out of there. But 5 minutes later it's like, oh look, their throwing us a party, how great!
I don't think this part was stupid. The fact that her boyfriend was sleeping shirtless with another dude in a bed and that he and his friends could barely tear themselves away from each other leads me to believe that they are gay. That totally makes sense to me.
When the daughter was "lifting weights", her hands are completely uneven on the bar, which would have otherwise toppled to the side due to the way she was holding it.
Better yet, when the guy running in the forest decided to drink the gallon of milk that he was holding for god knows how long, which didn't even seem to be very refrigerated in the first place.
Speaking of the daughter lifting weights, how does she not drop the bar on herself when the dude surprises her? It seems to completely disappear!
The popcorn scene was great but I love how it's never resolved. Creedence doesn't even kill the kid (or at least not that we see), instead she just leaves. Also, Elliot doesn't even seem to care about his RV, he just returns home with the family, presumably leaving his buddy out there all by himself. Ah this movie is so great!
Well being that the movie was filmed in Utah, AKA Mormonland, it could make sense about coffee being "the Devil's drink" being that true Mormons don't drink caffeine...but I doubt it.
When we first meet Creedence and she introduces herself, she immediately goes into her family background, as if she knew she had to explain how weird she is.
On top of that, she announces "my ANcestors came from STONEhenge". I thought Stonehenge was a monument or something, not a country where people lived.
The fact that Elliott was clearly told by Holly not to bring his friends on the trip and of course he brings all of them. Kinda weird how he can't seem to be without them even when he's visiting his so-called girlfriend. And for someone who was so close to his friends (that includes when sleeping), Elliott basically forgets about all of them in the end. Seriously, those two kids in Creedence's house are dead (so we assume) and the other kid is still in the woods. But Elliott doesn't care at all.
Also, who just switches houses with someone for a vacation? What did they do, pick a town and family at random and say "hey wanna trade houses for a month?" For a family that seems pretty well-off financially (fairly large house with "all the major conveniences"), that seems like a strange choice for a holiday, unless maybe they were sick of vacationing in Florida and wanted a change.
And the food. Oh man, oh man. Why the heck would anyone want to eat the food in this movie? It looks like somebody vomited green slime and cooked it.
That's what's great about movies like Troll 2: every time you watch it, you find something else to laugh about.
There's no troll in the entire movie and there's no mention of trolls at all. Though, there are goblins and the name of the town is nicely refering to it ("Nilbog is goblin put backwards!!").
Also, yeah, the food. How the heck can they want to eat that?! Are they not seeing it or what? It's like "oh look! our food is covered with green slime. Lets eat it!"
Also, Joshua, he peed on the food... well, we don't see what he does but it's easy to guess that he did pee on the food. Couldn't he just put the food in the trash can, while time was stopped, instead of peeing on it?
Grandpa Seth with the fire extinguisher - "Ill create some confusion with this!" Yep you did just that Seth.
"It would be a shame! The blood would mix with the meat and we'd have to keep it in vinegar FOR THE WHOLE NIGHT!"
All the trol..sorry goblins outside the house, with Sheriff Gene Freak (you would trust a guy called Freak?) throwing sandwiches at them. Why dont they just break the windows and get in. "Lets show them were still here" *fires shotgun in the air* Course they know, theyre looking through the bloody window!
The popcorn scene didn't make was so random.
I loved when the kid had "30 seconds" which somehow turned into 3 minutes to stop his family from eating and he walked around looking forever when he could have just snatched the food...then peed on it lmfao.
all the food in the movie was cake and juice wtf/?? lol
Also thought the hilarious scene when they were trading homes with the father kept telling them wheat they had at their house as the family walked away completely not caring.
The mother telling the joshua he must "banish" grandpa from his "mind" was gold.
When Creedence catches two of Elliott's friends in her house/church, she backhands one of them to the face...and he goes flying through the air like he just got low-bridged in hockey, and conveniently lands on the bed. So being the goblin-queen means she has superhuman strength and accuracy, I suppose.
The Waitses are suprised in the morning that there's no food in the house. Really, so no one thought to check for more after Josh ruined the previous night's meal? Especially considering how hungry they claimed to be. Did it ruin their appetites that badly?
Elliott's friends can't find Nilbog on the map: >Elliott: Just look closer guys! >Arnold: (not looking the slightest bit closer) There it is. And why the hell would you start off on a journey if you have no idea where your destination is?
Holly's crying about Elliott not showing up on time: "We could've waited another 15 minutes" Dad: "We left an hour & a half off schedule, never saw your beau." If he's 90 minutes late, what makes her think he'd show up in 15 more?
Holly to Elliott: "My father can't stand you." (30 seconds later) "Ok I'll tell my father you're coming with us tomorrow!"
> "We could've waited another 15 minutes" > Dad: "We left an hour & a half off schedule, never saw your beau." > If he's 90 minutes late, what makes her think he'd show up in 15 more?
Well, with all the nonsensical things in the movie, this is one that actually makes sense. Teenage girls are unreasonable and their emotions tend to obfuscate rational thought.
Yes, even though they waited 90 extra minutes, she truly believed that if they waited another 15, he would show up. Heck, that probably happened when he was 15 minutes late and then 30 minutes late and 45 and 60 and 75.
-- What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?
The guy jogged into town to bring food back to his friends. He ignores the full bowls of apples and bananas to take milk, which he doesn't even put in his backpack.
When Creedence is seducing that guy in the van and he just looks like he's totally stoned, not at all aroused or anything, he doesn't even seem to be looking at her.