MovieChat Forums > Troll 2 Discussion > OMG! I NEVER NOTICED THESE HILARIOUS BIT...


I watch this movie religiously and I think the reason it's so good is because you can go back and back and back and still find awfulness to uncover just when you thought you found it all. OK, so I had to point out a few things I noticed as I would like to discuss them with members of this board:

1. When Mr. and Mrs. Waits are talking downstairs, did you notice the picture on the back wall (with the light shining on it) is NOT their family!?

2. DId you notice that even though Mr. Waits says there is only 26 people living in the town including the family they are switching off with, they pass a street sign that says "122TH STREET" or something in the 100s like that. Call me stupid but how are 26 people supposed to be spread out over 100 streets?! WHAT?!

3. The dad turning on the car, when it was already on.



just watching it for the first time after the article about "Best Worst Movie" . . .

#1 - the kid has a Darrel Strawberry pennant on his wall (right behind Grampa Seth) . . . I don't know why that is funny, but I chuckled.

#2 - Laura Gemser was the costume designer for the film. Some may remember her from her role as Emanuelle from the post Sylvia Kristal era of this soft porn classic.


also noticed he has a Chicago Cubs pennant, Detroit Pistons pennant, and a NY Mets pennant . . . where the heck does he live?? LOL


He also had a Montreal Expos helmet on his bed. Kid gets around.

You see this is all I think about. Sleeping with a giant. It's my life's ambition.- George Costanza


When the family walks in the front door of the nilbog house for the first time, look outside the screen door. There is a dog trying to get into the house.


The town was way too huge for 26 people. 26 people would mean probably no gas station, nothing.

Sometimes the difference between self-amusement and self-actualization is less than you think.


My favorite part is when the Sheriff holds up the bag and yells "THERE ARE SANDWHICHES IN HERE!"

Noone else seems to really appreciate this line as much as I do.


I just love how willing everyone in this movie is to eat/drink GREEN SLIME.


or when the sister is about to eat the corn with the strip of thick green mystery goo on it? ahahaha, brilliant. looks delicious!


Yeah, that kid gets in the sheriff's car and he offers him a sandwich with bright green goo on it...which he then eats with absolutely no compunction or hesitation. I like to think maybe "outsiders" just can't see the goo or something. Of course, giving a throwaway line to one of the townies to explain that little mystery would be too common sensical...

´¨*¨)) -:¦:-
¸.•´ .•´¨*¨))
((¸¸.•´ .•´ -:¦:-
-:¦:-Oooh, sparkly!


at the very end you see a batman poster from the 89 tim burton/michael keaton version.


> He also had a Montreal Expos helmet on his bed. Kid gets around.

There were pennants and baseball memorabilia from almost all teams in the league in his room. Offhand, I remember seeing Detroit and Chicago as well.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?



re point 2, Joe D'Amato, who directed Laura Gemser in Erotic Nights of the Living Dead, Emmanuelle in America and loads of others, produced Troll 2.
He never really gets a mention, neither does the Italian exploitation scene for that matter....

"Gran'pa was always tha best...."


In the preacher scene, Don Packard (the store owner) is the only person who is moving erratically in his seat. After watching "Best Worst Movie" and learning about Don's mental issues, I was watching him a lot closer in the film. It is pretty apparent that there is something wrong with him in the film. Watch him in the preacher scene and you'll know what I'm talking about.


One of my favorite moments of insanity is the big "singalong" at the "party": for starters, NOBODY'S mouths are moving along with the "la la la" which are the, uh, "lyrics"... and second, the same song is "played" for like 10 minutes straight (or maybe it just seemed that damned long) oh, and, this is of course the scene where Ghost Grampa gives lil' Joshua his very own Molotov Cocktail, HAHAHA!

Not to mention the people "throwing" the party just tried to abduct and force-feed your son at some literally-falling-apart shack/church...

Also, why are *some* people (guys?) turned into plants, while others (girls?) are just turned into green jello-goo?

So many mysteries to ponder! At least "Best Worst Movie" made some of the reasons pretty clear.


Why does the mother ask the father "who are the goblins?" Joshua claims he learned about the goblins from Grandpa Seth, who the mother claims is HER father. Why would her husband be more likely to know what her own father is talking about?


One of the goblins doesn't look like the rest, did you notice that? Its like they needed one more goblin and grabbed a Halloween mask at the dollar store. lol


None of the goblins look alike

Im 13 and I can hate movies. Deal with it!
I am the self declared Destroyer of Jokes!


Well i meant more that one of the masks definitely looks a lot cheaper, haha (if that is even possible!)


You mean Scary Mary here ? : nt/uploads/2010/01/best-worst-movie-review-troll-2.jpg&imgrefurl=h ttp:// &h=320&w=479&sz=83&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tb nid=kWvMLfRblss-1M:&tbnh=164&tbnw=227&ei=STVaTY2REMmltwfi2 JD-Cg&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dtroll%2B2%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26b iw%3D1279%26bih%3D857%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&a mp;vpx=145&vpy=309&dur=436&hovh=183&hovw=275&tx=13 2&ty=135&oei=STVaTY2REMmltwfi2JD-Cg&page=1&ndsp=20&amp ;ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0

@ this huge link.


This is probably very obvious but, at the part where the family runs ups stairs and Holly and her boyfriend are walking extremely slowly, then the goblins attack and the camera pans, when it's finished you can see very briefly a goblin walking out of frame on the left, thought this was hilarious.


Hahaha. I noticed that too! Highlarious!


1] When Grandpa appears in the mirror in Holly's room, the black robe he is wearing to make him look like a floating head is clearly visible.

2] After the preacher dies Sheriff Freaks says "You killed one of us, now we have to kill you!" and then the family runs and nobody chases them. Love it.

3] The kid's skateboard fell through the hole in the church, but when the Waits return home the skateboard is in the kid's room even though he didn't have it with him when he went upstairs.

4] Whatever happened to the kid that was turned in to a tree? He was being pruned (tickled?), but we never see what happened to him, or popcorn boy.


The kid was chopped up with the chainsaw, and we see him getting blended in the next scene.

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In one scene with that kid who gets turned into a tree, there's a fly on his forehead

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<-- I'm the first to ever use this icon


Oh my God I thought that was on my TV!!

