Acting so wooden my screen grew branches.
Unbelievable. A great so bad its good film in all ways but the acting is where this film truly excels. Its like watching furniture talk. Having people with no training or experience whatsoever read ad verbatim a script by non fluently English speaking Director Claudio Fargasso is a potent combination. Those who recognize the Directors name will be aware of his affiliation with Bruno Mattei (aka Vincent Dawn) who pumped out so many diabolically funny films a cult has risen around him. For example Fargasso wrote many of the greatest awful films Bruno released which include Rats night of Terror and Hell of The Living Dead. Bruno was at least aware he was turning out good rubbish, Fargasso seemed to think he was creating art. This of course only makes it better; total obliviousness that he has coaxed among the worst performances on film ever from these native Utah people. One was on day release from a mental hospital. The daughter really does excel though, perhaps as she is trying so very hard while keeping to every written word (one can see why she excludes it from her CV). The performances are a masterclass, of sorts.