
Has nobody talking about this film!!! Its a good one!!! Good actors, good action. Why?



Maybe b/c it isn't as well known as some others?

I really dug it too.



I agree - this is probably my favourite Walter Hill film. Great casting, good atmosphere and tension, well worked and exiting set-pieces and a great sountrack balanced between Ry Cooder and old-school hip-hop. Extra marks, as always, are awarded for the presence of Bill Paxton.


You won't believe this, but I found this movie in a trashcan along with Live Free or Die Hard. I had never heard of it, but it did look like my kind of movie. I watched it last night even though I was really tired I was able to stay awake and finish watching it. I loved the ending. I think the answer to the OP's question is that a lot of people haven't heard about it and a movie released in 1992 is now really old.


I watched this when I was a kid when it came out. I didn't care that much for it, but I watched it again recently and liked it more.


Yeah, I remember when this film was released back in 92' the tv spots were pretty cool and the theater posters were awesome but I do remember how the few people who did see it in theaters really hated it and talked about how much it sucked at the time. Upon finally seeing it on video it wasn't as bad as people made it out to be but definitely nowhere near as good as it could have been. I think the ending just really killed everything that came before, it just sort of happpens and Don dies anti-climatically as does Ice-T and Ice Cube. I don't know I mostly liked it until the crappy ending.
