Hebrew or Yiddish?

Just changed

Language: English | Hebrew
Language: English | Yiddish

I think Yiddish is the 2nd spoken everyday life language in this movie. If not, please correct me.


You are correct. Yiddish is the everyday language other than English. But they use Hebrew for things like prayers and the wedding ceremony. So actually, all 3 are in the movie. It is easy to tell which is which. Yiddish sounds very much like German, and if you can understand any German then the Yiddish will at least sound familiar. Not so with the Hebrew.


Exactly. I understood straight away many German-sounding sentences and even short conversations, so I thought they must have been in Yiddish.

All Jews use Hebrew in religious ceremonies just like Catholics Latin in theirs. And non-Arabic speaking Muslims Arabic in their ceremonies.


English | Yiddish ---> English | Yiddish | Hebrew
