MovieChat Forums > A Stranger Among Us (1992) Discussion > MG as a detective and cult(?)

MG as a detective and cult(?)

I would like to say I thought MG did an excellent job playing the detective. I have seen many people referring to Chassidic Jews in this movie as a cult. Judaism is a Religion not a cult!! CHassidic Jews are simply more religous than those that only go to services twice a year.


Sadly in most religions (not just Judaism) anyone that attends more than two or three times a year is considered to be "too" religious and anyone that actually practices what they preach is considered to be a "nut" or "whacko".

Even though I am a Conservative Jew, I have always respected the self discipline and spirituality of the Chassidic community. A little respect goes a long way.



I am neither Mormon or Jew but I respect them both. As for Rondine - seems you've lost your soul.



Rondine, Kabbala says "Jesus pisses on no one"



They don't believe in 1 through 5? They do all that stuff. Give me a break.
