
I personally think this was a well fun lemonade movie :) Good humour, fun story and damn good choice of actors!

"12. PONT, HALLGASS AZ ANYÁDRA!!!"(hungarian translation of "12th point, listen to your mother!!")


I agree. It's a pleasent way to spend 90 minutes and have a few good laughs.

It doesn't pretned to be anything spectacular, it just speaks to everyone out there who have had their mother embarass them during any time in their life.

I honestly can't see why people have such negative things to say about this film when the likes of Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn and the Wilson brothers are out there producing mediocre and contrived crap year after year and raking in millions.

It baffles me.


I agree

"When your down here with me you'll float too!!"
