MovieChat Forums > Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot (1992) Discussion > Really not as bad as its made out to be

Really not as bad as its made out to be

Really not as bad as its made out to be i mean its not the best movie ever and Stallone and Getty have chemistry and their are some funny moments like when Stallone dreams and his mum gets his pictures and the shower ect. its a lightweight film


Its definitely not as bad as everyone makes out,i actually find it enjoyable

"When your down here with me you'll float too!!"


Full credit needs to be given to Ivan Reitman for salvaging this. While there are some pros in the cast, his deft handling of the rotten material to maintain what little whimsy he could eke out makes it watchable.


It certainly has Ivan Reitman's touch, and the casting of Estelle Getty was perfect. It did seem like a strange mix of comedy and action, but I guess they wanted to appeal to the largest audience possible — which wasn't that large, it turns out.

These types of throwaway movies are no longer made (replaced by other types of throwaway movies). At least I was never bored, which is more than I can say about most Stallone films I've seen.


Yeah, this film has a bad rep on here but it isn't bad as people make it out to be. The film is cheesy on purpose and it made me laugh and c'mon, who can't relate to a overprotective mum with funny results.

