3/10. Here's why:
One of the worst stereotypes in Hollywood is coming up with the most ridiculous premises (A.W.E.S.O.M.-O, anyone?). Nevertheless, STOP! OR MY MOM WILL SHOT had potential, because the cast and crew were clearly aware of how silly the concept is. The makers easily could've made a parody of buddy cop movies, but instead they made a regular comedy. Big mistake. A cop whose partner is his mom? That's not funny. The idea that a movie about a cop whose partner is his mom would be funny? That's funny. We're supposed to relate to SGT. JOE BOMOWSKI because of how his mom smothers him but, due to how Sylvester Stallone plays him, every time he complains it comes off as a child having a hissy fit. Well, at least he tried... unlike Estelle Getty. To be fair though, nobody could've done anything with that one-dimensional character. None of the action sequences are exciting, but at least Alan Silvestri's music score is catchy. I was worried that, at the end, JOE was going to apologize to his mom (he was right about her crossing the line). I was relieved when he told her that she could stay but with rules. Movies don't usually look for middle grounds in conflicts because then they would dissapear and the movie would have nowhere to go. However, his mom once again goes after criminals. And when the movie ends, it doesn't feel like she actually learnt the lesson.
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