This movie's good, but could have been better
This movie would have been so much better if the director had injected more intelligence into the ending. It was just a bunch of explosions and shooting. In the movie, the creature leaves Harley messages, which made it a mix between the fair game hunter element of Predator and the raw animal violence of Aliens, but there is no effort to really understand the creature in the movie except its origins. Why is it tracking Harley, besides the fact that it got his partner and missed him? Well, I still liked the movie. Hauer gives a fine performance as a hardened detective but still with a heart. London has a post apocalyptic look, but isn't overdone. And Harley's partner provides some fine humor relief, especially in the gentle ending, with the partner narrating before Harley interupting, giving a break from all of the action. Still a fine sci-fi film, just needs a little work.