"Nonetheless, you *must* comply with police orders. Failure to do so is a crime, even if the police don't have just cause. The time to argue about it is later."
And where does this obligation come from? Hmm?
If law has not been broken (and I am NOT talking about the 'legal system'), police has ABSOLUTELY NO AUTHORITY OVER YOU WHATSOEVER, and you do _NOT_ have to comply with any orders at all.
Failure to comply? This sounds like some kind of Nazi Germany sentiment.
Remember, we are free people (well, are supposed to be anyway), and the police has no jurisdiction over free people, who have not broken the law. They can't boss people around, or at least people have no obligation to obey.
Where does your false information come from?
If police uses tricks (verbal, usually) to get you to contract verbally, to admitting that you have consented to being governed by a 'legal system' (which is NOT law!), or to "standing under his authority", _THEN_ he has authority over you.
But remember, NO ONE can have any authority over you unless a) you have broken the law or b) they have YOUR CONSENT.
Now, as far as diplomatic immunity goes, diplomats are obviously under the 'legal system', and now only the law, so perhaps the police can boss them around - they basically wear their joinder as the diplomatic plates, and so on.
But if you have not consented to being governed by 'legal system', it has no power over you, and consequently, no police has any authority over you whatsoever. It is NOT a crime to "fail to comply" someone just because they wear a blue dress and blue pants and flash a lot of lights.
They may even flash you papers with some words on them that may or may not have anything to do with you. So what?
Why do you people get fooled so easily? Why have you consented to obeying this madness, and defend it so vigorously? It's like slaves defending their optional shackles! MADNESS!
The police can trick you by using words that sound like english, but are really legalese. They can say: "Do you understand?", and if you answer "yes", thinking that he is asking whether you comprehend what he said, NOW the police can do basically anything the legal system allows to you, and you become his/her bĂtch.
Because he is not asking what you think he is asking - he is actually asking: "Do you stand under my authority?", hence the UNDER and STAND.
The same goes if you STAND before a judge - that CREATES jurisdiction where you STAND UNDER them!
Get the picture? No?
Well, more information is available:
and also in youtube, with the searchwords: "Meet your strawman".
Once you have researched this topic thoroughly, THEN come back to reply to this message and make your counter-claims - otherwise, they are based on ignorance, and thus, should be deservedly ignored.
Oh, and by the way - you don't even have to "disobey" (that could create 'dishonor', so you would lose anyway), but you can trick the trickster - you can simply OBEY CONDITIONALLY. For example:
"Sure, officer - I will do exactly as you say, gladly - if you can first prove to me that I am obliged to."
Also, even if they ask for your name, it's not YOUR name they are asking! They are asking your "person's" (or "strawman's") name, that just LOOKS like your name, but is usually written in CAPITALS, and 'surname' first (just look at all your 'official cards' for proof). So while you give your name as "John Connor", they deliberately hear it as "CONNOR, JOHN", and now you have performed a joinder between you and the 'person', and this means you are under the 'legal system', which makes you under their authority.
If they ask for a driver's license (traveling by automobile is lawful, so why would you need any license? You only need a license if you are doing commercial driving - in fact, ALL driving is commercial! If you are simply travelling with a companion (instead of DRIVING with a PASSENGER <- legalese words that have VERY specific meanings, and NOT what you probably think!), you don't need a license), and registration (regis is latin for king, and if you have registered your automobile (not a 'vehicle', unless you want to be under their authority again), you have again performed the joinder and are under their authority),
REMEMBER: the mere act of HAVING them creates a joinder and gives them authority - and if you GIVE it to them, they have all the proof they need to have authority over you.
I know it's a lot to digest, but I just wanted to point out how COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY WRONG you are in your irrational fear of some guys in blue clothes with some metal pieces attached to them. Just because they walk around wearing gun belts and carry walkie-talkies and handcuffs, doesn't mean that they aren't just regular dudes who have no more authority over you than your distant second cousin.