MovieChat Forums > Sleepwalkers (1992) Discussion > One of the worst films ever made!

One of the worst films ever made!

Its not even good in the so-bad-its-good category. And I am usually a fan of Stephen King's films....not this one. Its nauseating and even dull.

Skip this one and watch "Firestarter" or "IT". Much better.

"I offer you this heart, my soul, my love."
- Legend


IT sucks, I like this.


Certainly one of the worst films I've ever seen, and the only one I walked out of the cinema during. I sat through it again when it was on TV, and it was every bit as bad as I remembered.

I won't be wasting any more of my precious time on it.


I loved it :)




[/throws rotten tomato]

I don't think we're in Kansas anymore...


Cop-Ka-Bob?! Heh...

You know, I made a One Of The Worst Films Made comment over in the Immortel forums, and boy howdy, did that set people off.

Yes, this is clearly a bad film, but, I enjoyed it. It does have a very cheesy, popcorny feel to it that I find endearing. Plus, being a Stephen King fan, it's neat to pick out the Kingisms.

And, the man is in the movie...The little cameo scene is another part of the movie that I like too!

My problem with this movie lies mostly in direction. Mick Garris has gotten better...specifically at Stephen King movies (Has he directed anything else?). This looks like a TV movie. And, it also shows that Stephen King needs a good script adapter. His stuff doesn't necessarily translate directly well to the screen...

Also...Some of the worst one liners...well...ever!

There is good though...I like the music. Brian Crause and Alice Krige seem to be giving it their all, and Madchen Amick is GORGEOUS!

Mmmmm...Madchen Amick.


Wait a dang mean THIS movie was actually in the theaters...on the big screen?

Shows you what I know. I've only seen it on TV - thought it LOOKED like a low-budget made-for-TV movie, never even heard of it in any theater where I live.

Mildly entertaining, I'll admit. Thought "Misery" was much funnier and entertaining, though.
