Yea they could have moved to a small town to reinvent themselves. Or they could have just moved to a big city where nobody would give them the time of day and you wouldn't have nosy teachers doing background checks on their students.
Well the only reason the teacher was looking into his file is because he wanted to take advantage of Charles and blackmail sex out of him. It wasn't because he was trying to be dilligent or be a good citizen and that scenario could just as easily happened in a big city. The only difference is that in a big city there is always someone watching and you'll always have a witness. You're notion that you disappear in a metropolis while being a popular idea is not necessarily reality. I mean in my city the entire downtown is under 24 hour surveilance and there is alwys someone else about.
If they lived in a desolate area then they could have killed the cats and nobody would know. If they had neighbors nearby then the neighbors would see all the cats and wonder what the hell was going on and probably call the police or animal control. All they had to do was get a dog and it would have been fine.
That's if they lived in a desolate area. We are not sure of their exact proximity to neighbors. Buying a dog due to their transient nature isn't something that would necessarily fit in well with their lifestyle and even if they did, they would have to enter an animal adoption into record and tend to the animal's care, along w/ training when they were trying to stay off the radar. Plus with all those cats I'm not sure one dog would have been enough and it would have created a prima facie case for animal cruelty putting them on the police's radar. The only thing they really could have done with the cats is set out antifreeze and dispose of the bodies after the fact.
Ah forget it this was a dumb movie anyways.
Eh, I like it. :)