by rice_cori (Sat Dec 10 2005 11:12:17)
Just because a culture may practice incest in other countries and even some States in America even, does not make it right. Incest is VERY WRONG and it's even mentioned in the Bible that having sex with close relatives is a sin. You'll be teased if people found out for instance that your mom is actually your sister even though she gave birth to you. In other words the whole family will be confused because all the roles have been mixed up and mismatched. If you think that incest is okay, then there's something seriously wrong with you.
Yea, maybe but I don't know what you mean by close relatives. Are cousins close? I may be a bit off and I don't remember exactly where the passages are to check, but mainly sexual relations between parents, children and aunts and uncles was/is forbidden but after that (aside from fornication and adultery regardless of who it is, bestiality and foreigners who did not become a part of Israel by conversion) it was fair game who you got married to, including cousins. A cousin was the closest relative you could be with and it doesn't necessarily produce problems, especially when you consider the general health of the Israelites because of cleanliness and dietary laws.
Besides, running the risk of being teased is hardly a reason not to do something. People may tease for two cousins being married but as far as I know that's legit. This was and still is to some extent a normal practice. Not to mention marrying someone who has gone through puberty but may not be a local legal age for consent or marriage. I'm not suggesting people break the law, but a law forbidding something doesn't necessarily make wrong whatever it is that the law forbids. On top of that, 16 is legal in most states in the USA even though people may have a problem with it or may think that the age of consent is 18 when overall it is not. Even Joseph who married Mary was probably at least 20 years older than Mary and on top of that Mary was probably between 13 and 15. I think she would have had to have reached puberty though. According to God, it isn't wrong regardless of what any man-made law says but that's another topic.
I've read that the hang up about cousin marriages actually started with Roman Catholicism when Pope Gregory outlawed cousin marriages to keep wealth from staying within families so that there would be no powerful families to compete with the Roman Catholic church. Then add to that some spreading of incomplete explanation of scientific reasons why cousins should not be married and Joe average who is a sheep and never questions anything takes it for granted and badabing-badaboom you have the stigmatization of marriage between relatives you have today, which is often the same recipe for just about every misconception these days.
My own maternal grandparents were cousins (maybe second cousins or once removed however that goes) and nobody was retarded although some people that don't like me might say I am :-P
Isaiah 5:20, Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!by chronicbliss2 (Thu Nov 16 2006 06:40:05)
The bible?! Go back and check out what Lot's daughters pulled after their mother was turned into a pillar of salt.
Lot's daughters only knew one world and they thought it had ended. I'm not saying that to condone what they did, but just to show that they must have known better and acted foolishly under the circumstances. Just because the Bible is giving an account of something that happened does not mean it is condoning it and for some reason people never seem to have that register in their brains.
On a side note, Lot's wife didn't just turn into a pillar of salt because she turned her head to look back. She turned to salt because she actually turned (went) back and was consumed with the sinners. It's an analogy for repentance and the consequences for not doing so.
Anyway, I really don't care. This is a movie about cat-like people. Real world doesn't necessarily apply here guys.
Maria la Portuguesa & some family photos