MovieChat Forums > Sister Act (1992) Discussion > Sorry if this has been asked but...

Sorry if this has been asked but...

Why was sister Mary Robert's uniform different than the others?

The Phantom of the Opera is here, inside my mind


I don't know. I was thinking that the other day.

(Kim kisses Edward)
Kim:I love you
-Edward Scissorhands



there is a thread about it somehwere, they need 3 years of training before they move onto the full uniform or something like that

OOOOOH MATRON! *Cue the campy voice Kenneth*

The elusive duende.....


because she was a novice. novices wear those habits until they've been there for a certain amount of time.


From the overall design of the habits, the convent was Dominican nuns, which means Mary Robert was a postulant (no wimple, short skirt, white blouse); she would move up to being a novice (full habit with white veil), then take full vows and receive a black veil.


YEah, she's younger then the other nuns and I think she just started -uh yeah training, is a god word :)

[email protected]

Love me :) I <3 u 2


Dominican nuns/sisters wear a white habit with a black veil. A novice would wear a white habit with a white veil. A postulant would wear a short version of this. I think one of the nuns mentioned that they were looking for a Carmelite nun while they were in the casino at the end of the movie. I think the habits worn in this movie are "generic" and don't belong to any order/congregation.



there is a convent of nuns down the road from me, right across the road from the masorti synagogue! i see them driving around and using public transport all the time! they still wear short wimples though, loose ones

BOOOO! get off the stage! *throws salad around*


She was what the Catholic nuns call a "Noviciate". I love Wendy Makkena. :-)


I thought, now I might be wrong, but I think nuns who have sex have to wear that uniform until thier through training

five by five and livin large - faith


Wrong wrong wrong WRONG! for the last time, sex is not involved. It simply means that Mary Robert was probably in her second year of training and fasting in the first movie, the third year in the second movie, and most likely if there was a third movie she would be in a full habit with all of her vows taken. 3 years, 3 vows to be taken once complete, then the full habit. Sure it is possible that I am mistaken and she was actually in her first year in the first movie, but I understood her intuitive awareness of Mary Clarences' strangeness as a sign that Mary Robert knows the ropes with at leat one year of knowledge and devotion to her religion under her belt.


I don't believe they said they were looking for a Carmelite nun, I believe they said they were looking for a "carmel like nun". Refering to her color in a nonabusive way.


Yea, I always thought she said carmel like nun. . . oh well


No, they specifically said a Carmelite nun, it's in the subtitles when you play them on the DVD.

One thing vampire children have to learn early on is don't run with a wooden stake


I think one of the nuns mentioned that they were looking for a Carmelite nun

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! She says that in the casino, the fat one!

I always thought she said "Caramel Egg" nun, and I always thought it was some REALLY PC way of saying she was black!!!!! LOL, now I feel REALLY stupid!


Naw even though technically it's the incorrect phrase, That is exactly what it says in the subtitles


yes, that nun was refering to sister mary clarence being a black women, where as when you "usually" think of a nun as being white... at least in hollywood
