MovieChat Forums > Sister Act (1992) Discussion > Did everyone sing there own bits!!

Did everyone sing there own bits!!

Just wondering if anyone knows did everyone do there own singing in the film, Because i think that sister mary roberts has a great voice.


I was wondering the same thing!! Ever since I first saw the movie I was very doubful on the fact of whether the actress who played Sr. Mary Roberts sang her own part (but once I found out that was Ellen Greene's real voice in "Little Shop" I was astounded)... Maybe
But I do know that Whoopi sang all her own parts.

Felix Unger: Everyone thinks I'm a hypochondriac. It makes me sick.


Alas, Sister Mary Robert did NOT sing her own parts....they were sung by professional singer Andrea Robinson....hell of a white-soul voice, if you ask me....


how about kathy najimy? if she did, its quite a powerful voice!

Can you stop chucking biscuits Sarah? I'm not the one going away with Norman to East Grinstead!



WOW! how cool!

Can you stop chucking biscuits Sarah? I'm not the one going away with Norman to East Grinstead!



that would look good on your CV ;)

Can you stop chucking biscuits Sarah? I'm not the one going away with Norman to East Grinstead!


Yikes. Kathy Najimy as an opera singer? :{ She has an okay voice, but her singing up in the rafters like that was not done properly at all. She could reach the notes, but she was really reaching, and her vibrato was all from her throat, which is NOT good for your voice at all.
All right, I'm done with my vocal rant. I just think she's a long way from an opera singer. ;)

O, I am out of breath in this fond chase. The more my prayer, the lesser is my grace.


Well it takes a lot of training to be an opera singer, but she does have a good natural voice which could have been turned into something. Also we don't know how much of that singing was "acting" and how much was real. Like Jack Benny playing the violin.

NOW a warning?!?


All right, ya got a point there. I was super tired when I typed that, so I just interpreted it as "that voice in Sister Act should sing opera." which isn't what was said, I know. ;P I'm just defensive of vocal stuff. cuz i'm weird like that. she probably was acting through a lot of it. ignore my last post, i'm dumb. :P

O, I am out of breath in this fond chase. The more my prayer, the lesser is my grace.



I'm pretty sure Mary Wickes sang her own part. Nobody could imitate that gravelly voice.



Yup, vup, I was just thinking the same thing.

Kathy Najimy's character was supposed to sound unpleasant and vocally out-of-control. But I'd readily believe she's got vocal talent -- believe it or not, it actually takes a lot of skill to sing conspicuously badly. Doesn't mean that's the only way Kathy can sing.

On another point, I was somewhat disappointed to realise (on about my tenth time through the movie!) that Wendy Makkena's singing voice was dubbed. Andrea Robinson has such a brilliant, brilliant voice, and Sister Mary Robert was so sweet, it was appealing to think that that voice was coming out of someone with that personality. It worked well in the movie, nonetheless.


I liked how their singing matched their personalities. Sister Mary Patrick is the bubbly, happy-go-lucky nun and her comically 'crazy' singing complimented that. Sister Mary Lazarus, as the sarcastic, witty nun full of wisecracks, had a distinctive deep singing voice.

So all this adds to the surprise when Sister Mary Robert starts amazing angelic voice out of a shy nun.
(though i guess it shouldn't have been technically a surprise if in retrospect it was someone else singing, but was an enjoyable movie)


Mary Robert was dubbed by Andrea Robinson bu t I'm pretty sure WHoopi and Kathy Najimy (Mary Patrick) did their own singing.


Yes they all sing their bits except for the young Nun "Wendy McKenna", her voice is dubbed by a professional singer.

Whoopi Goldberg, Mary Wickes and Kathy Najimy all sing their own bits, they didn't need anyone to dub for them.

Hope this helps.
