Something that has ALWAYS bugged me about the shooting!!
Ok, everyone remembers the bit where Delores witnesses the shooting. Well, when she is at the police station telling them what happened she say something like, "..then Vince looks at Ernie and says 'say goodnight' then Vince looks at Joey and joey shot him, he just shoot him in the chair, just boom! he just blew this guy away!..." well, Delores only see's them shoot Ernie, she never witnessed that whole speech... And there's no way she would have heared it while she was walking to the door... and even if she did, she wouldn't have known that Vince looked at Ernie when he said "say goodnight"...
Anyone else notice this? or have now noticed it?
Lol, i know i may be looking to deep into the movie, but it just really annoys me. It's only because it is my all time favourite movie and i literally know the script of by heart (i know, it's lame!) and i notice every little thing!
Bishop O'Hara: You took a vow of hospitality for all in need.
Rev. Mother: I lied.