
Come on now...

"Visits? That would indicate visitors."

~~ Plan 9 From Outer Space


I agree. Maybe (at least) a 7???

..."Outside the Casa Rrrrosada crying Eva Peron!"


I agree as well. I just looked at the IMDb Sister Act page for the first time ever because I read about the eponymous musical coming to Hamburg and felt like looking it up, and I'm flabbergasted. Sister Act is really high up on my "feelgood" movies list, and if I look at what kind of junk made it even into the IMDb top 250, 5.9 is an outrage. OK, it's not Citizen Kane or The Godfather. But seven-something seems about right.


Agreed. Right now it's about 6, but still, it's too low.

This movie was very popular when it came out. Not "huge", but sort of your "sleeper" movie. And there is good reason - it's fun and cute and speaks to GOODness instead of tripe and ugliness.

Bottom line, the movie is very entertaining - music, and comedy - and for me it's an 8. I'd be happy if it rated overall about 7.

"If this turns into a nun's bar, I'm outta here."



I would love it if it would get a higher rating than a pathetic 5.9. So all you people out there, please put a higher rating on this film!

I am so full of anticipation that my genitals have sucked up into my body cavity.


I agree, this is one of the IMDb ratings that really baffle me.

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


I concur. Way too low!


Currently the film has a 6.0. Hopefully it doesn't drop or gets a higher rating.

Esta frase se encuentra en español
this sentence is in spanish


Top movie critics and IMDb members agree for once.


A low score on IMDB for a movie with a black female lead on IMDB??? Shocking! The ignorance about the ignorance of this board is amazing. This is the preferred site of Stormfronters, because IMDB gives them so much power to abuse and many others are sympathetic to that cause.

Go read some of the old Red Tails and Think Like a Man threads if you think that statement is too much. I'm actually surprised that the score is that high, considering.
