Favourite nun?

Maggie Smith as Mother Superior is brilliant.

I also like Sister Mary Lazarus, the former headleader of the choir. She give the impression of being "dry and grumphy" but suddenly she have her moments and say something unexpected and funny. And Sister Mary Patrick is just so adorable and always happy.

@Sure I could be polite and courteous but where's the fun in that?


Mary Wickes is great - she was my favorite as a kid, even before I ever knew who she was. I just liked her the best b/c for some reason she cracks me up!

"Are you going to your grave with unlived lives in your veins?" ~ The Good Girl


Excluding the main cast, I'd say Sister Ignatius. She's the one who ends up playing the slot machines near the end of the film. I love her reaction to Mother Superior.



Mary Lazarus


Mary Patrick is hilarious, of course. And I would totally do Mary Robert!

"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to kill you."
"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to die."


Mary Wickes as Sister Mary Lazarus. She was also a very funny bus driving nun in "The Trouble With Angels" and "Where Angels Go, Trouble Follows". While she is guiding the school kids onto the bus with a megaphone, she begins improvising. "One, two, buckle my shoe", right into the ear of the passing reverend mother, Rosalind Russell. "Oh, sorry reverend mother!" Considering how many sitcoms she did, it's a shame she wasn't on "The Flying Nun".

"Great theater makes you smile. Outstanding theater may make you weep."
