She looked well into her thirties. I understand that she was 27 or 28 then, but man she looked like she could have been the mother of teenagers. Sorry Kyra, I like you and all, but... people just seem older than they actually were when you watch a movie from 17 years ago.
She was the glaring obstacle to me liking this film more. Too reptilian and needle-teethed (and yes older looking than her character supposedly was) to pass the "If I had a close personal conversation with God I would ask him to make this woman" test. Anyway she reminds me too much of an ex-GF and I am also from Seattle.
I do not recall them ever saying she was 23. I find her hideous and a bad actor and she wrecks some of the movie for me regardless with how utterly unappealing she is. I never thought all the characters were supposed to be 23.
"Bad movies have taught us that sheriffs hold on to their belts a lot."
My biggest problem with Kyra is that she looks like she would be Grandpa Munster's daughter! Seriously compare her face to Al Lewis and they look so much alike.
It's the eyebrows. As a woman, I wanted to pluck those suckers every single time her hairy mug was in the shot! A good waxing & shaping would have taken a few years off her face. Those brows were just too harsh for her supposedly delicate features. Her eyebrows & her age always bugged me in this role.
And yes, the spontaneous "car abortion" was just too convenient a plot device. And too 80's. In reality, she would have had minor injuries from the car accident, she would have been sued by the other party (since the accident was her fault), she would have lost her duplex, gotten a second job & would have had to move in with Steve, they would have gotten married, she would have had that baby at Kaiser Permanente, & reality would have come down fast on their arses. Whether it be sticking together through it all or divorcing over all the resentment & the fact that they could no longer attend all the cool live music shows due to having a kid, they would have had to deal with life like the rest of us chumps do every single day! THAT part bugged me.
The Campbell Scott character was a little older also wasn't he? He had a career and so did Kyra. They were more established and seemed perfectly matched to me.
Hahaha my husband was just talking about her yesterday. I haven't seen her in too many films besides this one, but she's just one of those people that always looks older than they really are...I couldn't believe she was as young as she was in Singles.
Apparently Kevin Bacon likes the way she looks. Which, when you think about it, he's not what you would call classically handsome. That is the way everyone in this movie can be described. That's what makes them look like "normal" people. I love this movie.
And you sittin' there waitin' for him, just like a spider.