Similar movies
Can anyone recommend any movies similar to Scent of A Woman?
This has been my favorite movie since I was 14, and it remains my favorite to this day (I'm 20 now). I can't put my finger on what exactly makes this movie so enjoyable for me, but even after countless viewings I can still find new things to love about it and it still manages to move me in ways no other film has ever managed to.
I have trouble finding anything that resonates with me like this film does. I'm looking for a similar experience where I walk away from the film feeling content and just generally happy. I can't explain it that well, I'm sorry xD So anyway I was wondering about some other great movies out there with a similar feel? Imdb's 'People who liked this also liked...' recommendations aren't any help, figured I'd have a better luck asking in the message boards.. :o)