Who killed Eddie

This question might have been asked and answered already and if it was, I apologize. I watched this movie again the other night but it struck me while watching the very last scene.

Who killed Nice Guy Eddie? Cabot was aiming his gun at Mr. Orange. Mr. White was aiming at Cabot and Nice Guy Eddie was aiming at Mr. White. Nobody however was aiming at Nice Guy Eddie. So in the crossfire, Eddie should not have been killed. Unless I missed something, which is possible. Is anybody able to answer this nagging question for me? It's driving me crazy.


Mr Pink was hiding under the ramp that Mr Orange was bleeding out on. Could be he shot Eddie from there, seeing as how Eddie would have been the only one left to stand in the way of Pink and the diamonds. It couldn't have been Mr Orange, because he emptied his clip into Mr Blonde, unless he reloaded and it wasn't shown.


White shot Eddie.


Walter White?

Signed, million man.


Harvey Keitel’s character


It would work better if Walter did it.

Signed, million man.


Mr. White shoots twice. First at Joe, then at Nice Guy Eddie and hits both. Not sure why this keeps getting asked when it's clear as day in the movie.


Mr. White shoots twice. First at Joe, then at Nice Guy Eddie and hits both. Not sure why this keeps getting asked when it's clear as day in the movie.


Why this question has become the unanswerable riddle it has is beyond me.

Mr White shoots Joe, then quickly turns and shoots Nice Guy Eddie.

It's right fickin' there!!!

Never defend crap with 'It's just a movie'


Apparently, Eddie's squib goes off before Mr. White fires on him, but that's just a bit of a movie goof. Kinda like how when Mr. White washes and combs his hair, it's all wet. But then it's almost immediately dry.

It's a movie goof, not something to be pondered over for generations. Mr. White kills Eddie.

Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead.


Eddie's squib doesn't go off early.


I don't see any squib going off too early either, but Chris Penn does start falling down before Harvey Keitel is able to shoot a second time. But everything goes so fast, it's hardly noticeable. I think the confusion lies in the fact that Eddie didn't have a gun pointed at him, so people don't get who's supposed to have shot him.


i was asking myself the same question, mr.orange probably


This film was very popular in the UK and received cult status quickly on its release in 1993 there, and this very question was, I recall, mentioned in Empire film magazine at the time. I don't recall a definite answer to it. I think it is quite likely that it is a goof that was kept in as a talking point, as Chris Penn is reported to have maintained.

"Chicken soup - with a *beep* straw."


Considering how fast it happens it is very hard to tell if the squib does go off early. What is clear is White shoots Joe and then turns his arm and shoots again immediately at Eddie. As others have said, I don't see the confusion unless people continually blink at the wrong time. Even if you missed it the first time if you watch it just a second time looking for it the arm turn and shot is clear.


Just watched the movie and in this scene when they all fire there is clearly a puff of smoke, which you could determine to have come from a gun, in the bottom right hand corner of the screen and therefore indicate another shooter. Seeing as Orange emptied his clip into Blonde, I like the theory that Pink shot him from under the stairs.... Particular as when White fires at Nice Guy, the angle would appear to indicate a crotch shot at best and not a straight kill! But of course this is the movies....


Yeah nah. Pink wanted nothing to do with that standoff, which is why he hid. He had no justification or reasoning to shoot any of them where as everyone in that standoff had a reason to shoot the other person. White clearly killed Eddie. He fired two shots, one at Joe and the second at Eddie. The camera angle used and the speed at which the shooting took place may cause people to miss that detail but after watching it a dozen times it becomes very clear. Also that puff of smoke you are referring to is a particle effect of Joe landing his shot on Orange.


It happens so fast and the eyes can't focus on 3 people you have to slow down the scene to notice. Most people are confused on a first watch. No shame.


But for those who have been told the answer and then go back and re-watch but still don't get it, that's some grade-A prime cut shame.

Bottom line:

In the script, Mr. White is is supposed to shoot Joe and then Eddie. In the execution when filming the scene, things didn't work out to make that obvious. (Though IMO it's pretty clear Keitel at least started to aim at Eddie after shooting Joe. In fact, it was actually only after looking extra close that I realized he didn't move his aim far enough to actually have his pistol properly pointed at Eddie.) Tarantino claims he liked the idea of it being difficult if not impossible for the audience to know exactly what happened and that would drive people to talk about it and debate, which is generally always good for a movie, so he left the fucked up first take in the film. Most likely he didn't have a choice because his shoestring budget didn't allow him to reshoot a fancy squib special fx set-up more than once.
