Credit trying to give a glimpse of the darkside of Hollywood.
1st off we hubby and I hate mainstream media. And only see films like these at friends or parties etc. And I see the racism bit added in right at the start of the film when the character Levinson very subtlety goes "who's all the J*P's" I hate the word and its NOT being PC as its still used today by racist losers. Same as when people call us Germans Nazi's and you will know why I mentioned that below.
Also I married to a 3rd gen Japanese American guy and he would kick the arse of anyone who said that to his face out of his family only he and one sister were academics he has 2 other brothers in LE and a younger sister in the military and I dare any one call the a J*P.
I'm a born and raised gal from Germany and met my husband in university in the US then went on to med school together etc. Were now both in practice but again this movie shows the shallowness,racism, greed and disdain the industry very poorly tries to hide, as we have family and friends who work in the film industry tho no acting just artists or tech people and some staffers for exec's and most hate it and just do it for the money, unlike me and my husband who love our careers and work not for money but just simply put to help people.
Anyway or film industry working family and friends say the real Hollywood is just as fake and crappy and in most cases worst than this film makes it out to be. From watching it thank goodness I don't live in that world ugh.. Being famous or rich nah not interested.
Again living in that cardboard world not me, you types who idolize these people or jobs can have em. I rather work pro-bono in free clinic than the fake glamor of Hollywood and NO not jealous as why should I be I always wanted to be a Dr as I come from a family of em. Its in my genes so nope its one type of life I relate to being a prostitute or drug dealer. And this sarcastic film does give a good glimpse of it. As ask anyone who works in the industry and not on this board as most I see are online BS'ers.
Sure I bet some think the same of me but I could careless its the internet I know what I do and love I love my career. And not so deep down so do those who may think Im full of it as just watch the anger that will come out, as the truth or their lying always makes their true colors show. LOL Truth hurts huh? While Im treating or helping people you hateful people just sit and type out spiteful words as I see it all the time on forums like this. Well back to work (yes I surf on my lunch breaks)and have fun sitting in the basement web hermits. :D Again just talking about the minority who act like immature kids that like to showoff, lie and or just out to make trouble. To the rest of you film fans have a great day.
My post history shows Ive been here 10yrs and only post a small number of times I used to post more back in University ,but now just too busy. And also Im not a web dweller. So just my opinion don't like it I could careless. And making a long comment only takes me a short time as I hate typing so I use voice instead lol. ;)
Dr. Nichole was here.