One of the most disgusting sex scenes ever
The one near the end, I'm surprised this gets left out of all those those "grossest/least sexy sex scenes in movies" lists that magazines and websites tend to do. There's the fact that Robbins is playing an odious yuppie who is now screwing the girlfriend of someone he murdered but also there's the way it looks, one long extreme close-up of him sweating and slobbering all over Greta Scacchi's neck and jaw region, with his huge forehead and weird baby-faced features. I'm a straight guy so I don't really like having to look at the man in a sex scene and somehow because Scacchi's eyes aren't visible most of the time I notice Tim more in this scene. Obviously Susan Sarandon likes him and probably a number of female viewers as well, but he is a bit of funny-looking guy isn't he?