MovieChat Forums > The Player (1992) Discussion > One of the most disgusting sex scenes ev...

One of the most disgusting sex scenes ever

The one near the end, I'm surprised this gets left out of all those those "grossest/least sexy sex scenes in movies" lists that magazines and websites tend to do. There's the fact that Robbins is playing an odious yuppie who is now screwing the girlfriend of someone he murdered but also there's the way it looks, one long extreme close-up of him sweating and slobbering all over Greta Scacchi's neck and jaw region, with his huge forehead and weird baby-faced features. I'm a straight guy so I don't really like having to look at the man in a sex scene and somehow because Scacchi's eyes aren't visible most of the time I notice Tim more in this scene. Obviously Susan Sarandon likes him and probably a number of female viewers as well, but he is a bit of funny-looking guy isn't he?


I think it's pretty obvious you want to *beep* Tim Robbins


I think it's pretty obvious you want to *beep* Tim Robbins

I concur. I thought it was a wonderfully well done sex scene. Very close to things in real life and focusing on Tim Robbins' physicality also adds to the subversion of hollywood sex scenes which are always focused on female physicality, and their physicality as objects rather than people.

In any case, it is a creepy scene since he essentially admits to her during sex that he killed her ex and she doesn't seem to mind but it's also quite erotic at the same time.

"Ça va by me, madame...Ça va by me!" - The Red Shoes


I think it's pretty obvious you want to *beep* Tim Robbins
I think so too

And that's he best reply I can give to the OP's comment.


Gwasgray, Hear Hear! The whole thing bothered me on so many levels and you were able to put my thoughts into words. I'm gay and you pegged my feelings for Tim Robbins - baby face, big forehead, creepy. (Not meaning to impune your sexuality.)

Thanks for the enlightenment!


The guy murdered June's boyfriend, is now having sex with him, and confesses the murder to her, which its revealed in the very next scene by her facial expression that she knows but is being cognitively dissonant about it... OF COURSE it's a visually disgusting scene.

If these two sociopaths in bed with each other don't make you sick, then there's something wrong with you. Altman shot this scene the way it is intentionally... rather than to be titillating, which is what you seem to wish it was.

I don't know what's worse... the fact that the point of the scene was lost on you, or the fact that you wished that they had given you something pointlessly titillating in a film about murder and sociopathy.

Nature abhors a moron. -H.L. Mencken


Precisely. I think the sex scene is designed to show how debauched and almost animalistic the pair had become.


Yeah, well-said. The scene was a good ol' dose of sex and nudity that The Player was necessarily required to contain by virtue of being a Hollywood movie... except it wasn't exactly titillating or erotic.

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.


Does anyone else think he looks very similar to Macaulay Culkin?


he's telling her he was responsible for David's death and she is accepting


Get over yourself. It's sex and that's messy. Perhaps after you've had sex (finally!) you'll have a better perspective.


For some reason what I always got from the scene is that he's trying to admit to her the murder during sex, but because they're in the "heat" of the moment, neither mind is working clearly, and so what she initially thinks is simply that he's blaming himself for LETTING her husband get killed. That explains her understanding, consoling tone. It could be part denial, but also part misunderstanding. Or perhaps willful misunderstanding although she subconsciously knows what he means, but I doubt the screenwriter was trying for something so complex. I've always thought that scene was darkly hilarious because it's one big, sweaty, sexy miscommunication. Then cut to her in the mud tub the next day, and her face is showing that she has finally understood exactly what he meant the night before. Then his lawyer calls and she just stares. Awwwwkward and brilliant, especially with the bizarre touch of mud.


I can't say it was the most disgusting but it certainly did nothing for me. It was repititous, too long. Really not very sensual or creative - thankfully, I can fast forward...

The View from the Slums of Norristown, PA


That's what I thought. It didn't look fun or enjoyable, like anything I'd ever want to do again if I were either of those characters.

Please put some dashes above your sig line so I won't think it's part of your dumb post.
