Incredibly Haunting Ending
I just watched this movie again and I was struck by how incredibly haunting the scene with Griffin leaving Bonnie as she's sitting on the ground crying is. This slick murdering bastard got away with everything and ended up with a great life while his ex-girlfriend who never did anything wrong ends up fired and crying and broken.
This isn't to say the rest of the movie isn't brilliant - I especially liked the interrogation scene (or the "tampon scene") as well. It's a great scene that shows why Altman is such a great director - the tension never breaks but it never tilts into conventional thriller territory either. The whole movie is like that! Plus I'm a total sucker for references to other movies no matter how cynical and downright empty Altman makes them seem. The Player is like Day For Night's cynical twin brother, and I love them both.
What's the Spanish for drunken bum?