The ending?

I saw this a couple of months ago but something went wrong with the TV and I didn't get to see the last half hour. Would somebody mind telling me what happened? How did it end?


Maggie had sex with Paul (Vera's son), Sarah got fed up with Brian and told him to go home to his wife, Andrew started drinking again when Carol left him and Peter told everyone that he was HIV positive.

You wouldn't know a joke if it got up and gave you a haircut - Edmund Blackadder


Thanks muchly - sounds pretty sad, I wish I'd been able to see it.


It was really sad, so sad I have to go on to Amazon the next day and order a copy so I could watch it again!x

Luv Claire!x
Britain's future Prime Minister


Yeah, it was sad, but the film ends with the gang reliving one of the musical numbers they used to do in college....they're singing, dancing, laughing and hugging each other....sort of a bittersweet ending. You should still be able to find a copy somewhere, if you haven't already. I just saw it on cable TV on the Indie channel....first saw it just after it came out, and enjoyed it. (If you haven't already seen it again or found a copy, just as an addendum to what was previously written, Carol leaves to return to the U-S to do a film which she gets a call about from her agent....she's offered the part as a replacement for the actress who was supposed to do it.)


In a different film I've seen, a character was critiquing the murder mystery writings of another character. He was especially critical that the murderer in the writing turned out to be someone who had not been part of story up to that point and was introduced only in the last few pages. In essence, the readers couldn't reasonably make any attempt to figure out the ending to the story on their own, because new information was thrown in at the end, much like an afterthought.

Similarly, the ending to "Peter's Friends" made no sense to me. The introduction of the news that Peter had the HIV virus, only minutes before the film ended and with no time to see how that news would play out or be resolved, is the equivalent of introducing a new character right at the end, especially when it had nothing to do with the rest of the story. In films of this period containing a gay character, it always seems that the gay character must somehow suffer or be punished, either through being bashed or killed, or by contracting a likely-to-be-lethal-down-the-road disease. It would have been refreshing to just have Peter be a normal gay man, but the HIV news at the end seemed more like an afterthought. The ending would have played better without this plot point.


Actually, if you were paying careful attention, there were hints throughout the movie that something was wrong with Peter. For example, when he has trouble carrying the firewood basket and Andrew has to help him.
I thought the ending was a stunner. I cry every time I watch it.

Morse's Law: There's always time for one more pint.


I tried to record it via the dvr on my cable box, but for some reason, the film was set to air at 3:20AM and it cut off a mere 45 minutes later. It stopped just about the point where Hugh Laurie is speaking to the friends about his feelings.

There is a silver lining of sorts however, the movie is listed as being rebroadcast on several dates, one being in August with an 11AM start time, so hopefully the entire film will be recorded.

For future Hugh Laurie programming, you can just go to aol/google search and type in Hugh Laurie Current Month TV schedule and it will direct you to the link for all his television broadcast airtime.


its a pity your tv did,nt break before the film started, then you would,nt have seen any of this crap..


its a pity your tv did,nt break before the film started, then you would,nt have seen any of this crap..

Is that comment really necessary?
Obviously the poster doesn't share your feelings of the film and if you hated it that much, why are you posting on the films message boards.

I realise everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but your statement seems completely unnecessary/excessive.
