Is It Just Me...

... or does anyone else think that maybe there was something between Peter and Andrew? I mean, nothing current, but I picked up a vibe that maybe something happened between them back in their college days that possibly affected their friendship... like maybe Peter had a crush on Andrew and told him, and maybe that fueled Andrew's hasty departure to America... remember the scene when they're talking, and Peter says something about Andrew suddenly splitting for America?
I'm not suggesting that Andrew was homophobic, but maybe he just didn't want to be the object of Peter's affections. Maybe, didn't know how to deal with it, so he chose to flee instead? I'm not positive on this, because British films have a certain subtlety that American films do not. It's a wonderful film, whether there's a hidden depth or not. But I think there are definite implications.

Just curious if anyone else picked up on that?


I thought that as well, but I also thought that Andrew may have taken the show he created with Peter and made money off of it and gave Peter ziltch


ah... I hadn't thought about that... now that you mention it, they were talking about a script they were writing... or was it a play? But they were definitely collaborating on something. Thanks for the insight. :)

I'm at my best when I'm at my worst


Yeah, it was a play they'd been writing when they were much younger, many years ago. And they only wrote the first act.

So I don't think that's got anything to do with it really.

And in reference to your main point; I picked up on it, but also disregarded the thought. I think what you're meant to assume is that they're just extremely affectionate friends, as you can see for their fondness for pet names, etc. and yet, Andrew was far more ambitious than Peter, he jumped at the chance to go to America and make something of himself, whilst he knew that if he stayed with Peter, he might in fact end the same way.

I don't think you're meant to look any deeper than that.

I tried sniffing coke once, but the ice cubes got stuck up my nose :(


yeah, you're right. I just thought it was an interesting element in the character development. I admire the fact that it was put in there, but so subtle that it could be ignored. Man! I love britflicks.
Thanks for your input.

I'm at my best when I'm at my worst


Yeah, I've always wondered that! The moment that really made me think there might be something deeper there is when Andrew asks Peter if he minded him leaving for America and Peter says "Did I mind?..." then there's a pause and Peter runs his hand across the cooker.

I think it can be interpreted either way without detriment to the story. It's an interesting little wrinkle, though.

I am the smilie queen! No way is this a ninja...


I thought it was strange when the Emma Thompson character asked him if Peter was gay, and he said he didnt know, that he hadnt seen him in years. A little suspect.
As far as I am concerned they were all a bunch of hos, cept for the married couple with the kids.

Life is like a wheel everything will change



The whole Andrew going to Hollywood affected their relationship alot, definitely. But another curious aspect to their relationship was Andrew and Peter's father - they were mentioned as being close. I found that interesting.


Your comment just makes me remember how much I love this movie. The dialogue is amazing. I mean, you have to listen to everything they say, because the details are so interesting. I'm going to watch it when I go home today...

I'm at my best when I'm at my worst


I agree. I also adore this movie and the chemistry between the characters, especially Andrew - he just seems to sparkle with his wit. All their storylines are interesting and the dialogue is brilliant.

I wish I could find this on DVD. I badly want to watch it again.


I rented it from Blockbuster Total Access.
