MovieChat Forums > Peter's Friends (1992) Discussion > Sarah as one of the group

Sarah as one of the group

Would a group of "luvvie" Oxford-educated types really have had a black woman as a friend? Or is she just the token ethnic person in the movie?



"so what you are saying is that a black woman (or black man) at Cambridge (or Oxford for that matter) would only have black friends and any white friends they have, luvvie or not, are only using them as tokenism."

No, I'm saying that a white woman (or white man) at Cambridge (or Oxford for that matter) would only have white friends. I felt that to be a very phony part of the movie. I am not trolling, I really dislike it when moviemakers just toss in a person of a different race just to be politically correct, and had to point out this hypocritical behaviour. Since it is now a rather old movie, it was just the dawning of political correctness, so I guess I can't fault their being so bad at disguising it.


Beyond the subject of movies, I've watched many TV shows made in Great Britain since PBS (and more recently, BBC America) started showing them in the USA. Multi-racial and multi-ethnic relationships (both friendships and romantic) seem to have been very common on many British programs for quite a few years now.

Are you from the USA? Many of us who live in Northern states and especially in urban areas have friends of all races and ethnic backgrounds and do not perceive it as "hypocritical behaviour" or "political correctness."


What a laughably ignorant comment to make. What kind of bubble do you live in?


You do know that this movie takes place in the 1990s, not the 1890s right?


Although the OP's comment is very ignorant it is true that Oxbridge has a notoriously poor reputation for admitting black and ethnic minority students, mainly because British black and ethnic minority students are more likely to come from working class backgrounds and state schools.

I do know a few black people who attended Oxbridge more recently but they're still part of a very small minority.


She felt completely out of place to me. Different values from her friends, different acting style from her co-stars.
