Man this was bad..

Man I love cheesy action, and I enjoy Wesley Snipes as an actor, but this was one of the few movies I just thought was STupid...Now geeze I could put up with "Cobra" which i saw earlier and still laugh and take it for what it's worth, but this movie tries to be way to serious for how bad it is...Anyone else have a take on this


This is alot better than Cobra which also had the nerve to take itself seriously. That's the 80's for ya. However, this is one of my least favorite Snipes movies. Id rather watch "The Marksman" than this. I see some of the similarities in that Snipes tries to act too cool kind of like how Stallone was in Cobra.


what? are you serious? Cobra is a MILLION times better than this, though it's an average snipes film. the end disappointed me.

They're Coming To Get You, Barbra.....


Are YOU serious???? Cobra was the biggest joke in Stallone's career and one of the cheesiest big budget movies of the 80's. I remember the promos and everything. El Stinko!!


yea this movie ate a *beep* sandwich, but who doesnt love how horrible 80's and 90's action flicks were


They were both pretty ordinary, but pretty enjoyable action flicks, as long as they aren't taken too seriously. As an actor in action films, Snipes is pretty good.

Having said that.... (here it comes)

I couldn't help chuckling when Cutter and the bad dude (name? Rane?) were fighting on the plane near the end and one ofd the guns went off, putting a hole in one of the windows, resulting in immediate cabin de-pressurisation. Instead of Cutter and Rane hanging on for dear life, they kept fighting as though nothing had happened! That would be impossible in a real situation like that.

But like I said, if you don't take them too seriously...


I'm just amazed you guys actually got to the end of the movie! I gave it up probably half way through. You've got some kind of stamina.


I'm sitting here watching this, and I began to groan as soon as the terrorist Charles Rane is put on a plane full of passengers.

I'm just thinking that this kind of thing is bound to lead to bad stuff. I mean, what if he has an accomplice board the flight, and what if that accomplice smuggled a gun on board and killed the FBI guy who is tending to Rane?

Oh, wait, my worst fears were just realized. I KNEW there was a reason they don't bring terrorists on planes that are full of passengers in real life.

Ridiculous. The only suspense I really feel is whether I will continue to watch until the end. I will give it at least 5 more minutes, I guess, although I'm not sure why.

I know it's just a movie, but you have to make your basic premise slightly believable. I'm willing to do my fair share in terms of suspending my disbelief, but you can't make the viewer do ALL the work. When the premise is just totally unbelievable, you can't help but think about how ridiculous it is from time to time throughout the movie, and it kind of ruins it. So, I dunno if I'll be able to finish this one. I will try though.


as i tuned into this it looked like a comedy and i wasn't sure what to make out of it, it actually makes the 1980's cannon movies appear as high quality productions, hurley looks like just a kid here and she had developed quite the screen performance about a decade later in "bedazzled", where i think she gives her best performance, a movie i really can't get enough of, i haven't even felt the need to check out the original 1960's piece its based on. i was surprised catching this airing on prime time after realising the quality of the movie.

πŸ›© ✈️ πŸ›« πŸ›¬

rainy and dark,
she broke through the clouds,
made my mind float away,
like a vibe of magic brain waves,
to a sunny state,
low as youre about to go,
stay all day long,
please dont leave me in this damp weather alone.


Course it was bad. Meaning, dynomite!


Yes, it was not good at all. No suspense, no plot, cardboard characters, bad acting and weird humour.
