MovieChat Forums > Passenger 57 (1992) Discussion > What happen to Terrorist who was capture...

What happen to Terrorist who was captured alive?

In almost all terrorist movie, all the bad guys will be killed. Especially in situation when special forces are required for force entry. In Passenger 57, Wesley Snipes killed all the terrorist, except Elizabeth Hurley (Sabrina Ritchie).

What will happen to a terrorist who is captured alive? In the movie, Sabrina Ritchie killed the most number of people. She shot 2 FBI agents remember?

Sabrina Ritchie was vulnerable at many scenes. When she release some of the hostages out of the plane, the snipers have clear shot at her, but they didn't take that shot.

John Cutter knock her out but did not kill her. He said "what a waste". I think John Cutter likes her.


If she had been a man,they would have had her killed too.Personally,I don't care, she should have been the first to die.

But that's what the director wanted; so really, what can we do?


i think she is simply too beautiful to die.


You may be right but Sharon Stone was too beautiful to die but Arnie shot and killed her in Total Recall.


This is the #1 reason why I subscribe to the "it's all in Arnie's head" theory of Total Recall.

I'm glad they didn't kill of Liz Hurley. Too many action movies kill off the evil hot chick just to satisfy the audience. It sucks. The evil hot chick needs to survive in every movie.


At the end of the movie they showed them taking her away in a police car.


She got Trained.


jaws and his girlfriend survived.


Wait, didn't Jaws get left on the destructing moonstation with his hot litle Frenchie to die?



She joined the Ministry of Defence, teamed up with Austin Powers and saved the world before becoming a fem-bot I think.

I think that in films like this beautiful women are allowed a pardon, no matter how many people they've killed but ugly male low level terrorists are allowed to die in the most gruesome way possible, just one of those rules.



Thought that too. Ritchie was the worst terrorist,also on the scenes where hostage release took place Ritchie was the most exposed. snipers could have killed her easily.

Everything will be OK in the end, if it aint OK,it aint the end.


I guess she got turned over to the authorities, and would go to trial and be executed. And yes, Cutter's line is a reference to the fact that she is a beautiful woman who would probably get a lot of men, but had to be in cahoots with a killer.


