MovieChat Forums > Passenger 57 (1992) Discussion > Why did Payne get off the plane in the f...

Why did Payne get off the plane in the first place?

As I'm watching this movie on TBS right now, I realize that when Payne and some of the other terrorists get off the plane halfway through the movie and go to the fairgrounds, there's no real point to it. Did I miss something? What was the purpose of them leaving only to negotiate being able to get back on board? Someone explain it to my dumb ass.

"We're family. Let's kick some ass." -Eric Sloan, "Kickboxer"


For some reason, I thought they got off the plane to catch and kill Cutter (Snipes).


But even that makes no sense.

Cutter was plaguing them the entire time and Rane seemed happy to see him go. I know that the plane was refueling, but they'd have been wiser to stay inside and make sure nobody gave them hell.


I guess that's why they let the Michael Jackson look-alike flight attendant live and stay on the plane, so she could cause more trouble and help ruin their plans. Because a lot of things make no sense in this movie.


They got off the plane to escape. That's why they go the fairground and when Rane sees Cutter coming towards them on the bike he tells Vincent to 'secure transportation.' The reason they negiotated to get back on the plane was because Rane was caught by the FBI. Originally, Rane and the other terrorists that came off the plane were to escape while Sabrina and Forget resumed flight, making the police think Rane was still on the plane.

The one thing that doesn't make sense is how Cutter knew to head out toward the fairground after beating up the police guys. He didn't see Rane go.


But, Sabrina was seen leading some of the hostages out of the plane. If Rane managed to escape on the ground, that makes Sabrina vulnerable. Is Rane planning to sacrifice Sabrina while he attempt to escape?


I agree with moto. It seems they were planning to escape while the plane flew on, making everyone think Rane was still in the plane.

Though it's never spelled out completely, it would seem that they had some sort of plan that involved blowing up the plane, which is why the guy at the end was getting explosives and parachutes ready. They were going to create a big diversion so that the remaining people onboard could escape.


Yeah, thats right, because remember when Rane told Sabrina, "Wait for 1 hour before resuming the flight that should give us the efficent time to escape once the plane is back in the air procede with the original plan." Sounds like that fits exactly.

And then Sabrina wanted to go with Rane, but he had her stay on board to give her instructions to kill passengers until they had "clearence", but what was the clearence about?


This must have been spur of the moment then because the only reason they landed at that airport is because Cutter cut the fuel lines!

It could not have been the original plan...

(Also, Hurley was a goddess at 27, and I think this is the coolest Pepsi commercial ever)


Yes, Roger Ebert in his review mentions that error. How could Snipes know to head toward the fairground? Well, he answered that Snipes had seen a lot of movies and knew that any escaping villian will head for the nearest carnival as a matter of courtesy for the director in order to shoot the fist fight on the ferris wheel and the shoot out on the merry go round.


Had to reply even though the orig post is months old....... Jacko look-alike huh..... can't argue with you buddy (trying hard not to laugh out loud at work)


What I wanna know is how in blue hell did Cutter know where to find them, cos as I remember the 'baddies' were nowhere in sight as he makes chase on the bike, but he just heads off to the fairground as if there was absolutely nowhere else the could have escaped to!



Better question: Why did they put a hijacker-terrorist on a plane?

"There are some things that time can not mend. Some hurts that go too deep...that have taken hold."


Both Cutter and Rane wanted not to be found by the police, so they headed for the large crowd at the fairgrounds to throw them off their trail, then "coincidentally" ran into each other.

Or at least that's how I saw it.

Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!


The reason Rane got off the plane is because he wanted to escape but at the same time tried to fool the police making them believe he is still on the plane. But, what about Sabrina and the rest??? Is this plan where Sabrina is supposed to get caught by the police while making way for Rane to escape? But, before Rane leave, Sabrina told him she wants to leave with him. What’s going on?


Payne had obviously read the rest of the script and was attempting to bail out of what he recognised was a complete turkey


Didn't the terrorist agree to release half of the hostages at that point and that's where they ended up?



Yeah, he was gonna escape. Cutter grounded the plane which it usually signals the end of the hijacking as the authorities would try to seize control of the situation. His goons were prepared to sacrifice themselves for him.



It was to fool the authorities, first of all. Second, maybe Rane (the character's name) was trying to make a getaway and didn't expect to be captured again, remember?


Let me tell you something. If anybody get's hurt on that plane it's gonna take a hell of alot more then a merry-go-round then keeping me from rippin your *beep* nuts off.


best question nobody asked, how did Snipes know about Vincent being at the fairgrounds when he never saw him there?

I'm gonna go with the crowd theory to escape as to the other question


It was just movie coincidence. Cutter was trying to lose the police while Rane & his crew was escaping, trying to blend into the carnival crowd. Cutter and Rane eventually ran into each other, unexpectedly. This is clear from the look Cutter gives Rane when he's eating popcorn lol.


It made no sense and neither did Wesley knowing exactly where the terrorists were.
