I totally feel the same. First post-apocalyptic movie I saw was probably HARDWARE (alas M.A.R.K.13, by Richard Stanley). The imagination of a post-apocalyptic future was absolutly new to me. That 'scenario' never came to me, it was exciting in an extremly thrilling and depressing way. Same with CYBORG. I was a kid then, so when the family was slaughtered without some law system handling this, it was like the worst horror imagination that later some real horror movies delivered. The Thing and such.
There's cool literature around with the same themes and a B-movie-vibe.
'48 by James Herbert
blood virus bomb attack during WW2, one survivor still lives in dead London, being pursued periodically by the Nazis that want his immune blood. Meets up with other survivors and stuff. Full of action in the beginning, some pessimistic world views and relationships in the middle and a great explosive showdown right out of a cheap action movie. Though very well written, I feel.
The Afterblight Chronicles by various authors.
The Cull virus has wiped out civilisation, armies and cults now roam the dead lands. Very gory, lotsa action, cool one-liners, and still interesting troughtout. The series is still growing. Go google "Abaddon"
Almost any stuff by Brian Keene (Though I'm no fan of his)
There's more books without the b-movie-vibe, which come along much more thoughtful or stylish:
SWAN SONG by Robert MacCammon
before and after Day X. MadMax-style, armies lead by crazies kill and recruit etc. A little supernatural, but it's brutal, thrilling entertainment, very sad also in some spots. Like a real Hollywood flick with all the emotions it needs. Very well written and woven together.
THE ROAD by McCormac
Very lyrical and artsy. I love it. Bleak and pretty hopeless. More of a "what do you do when all's dead and lost?". More realistic about everyday survival and land-roaming, food-searching and all.
MALEVIL by Robert Merle
An old castle was renovated by a french ex-teacher who survives armageddon with some friend who all lost family and friends in the nearby town. They have to re-organize themselves in the castle and build a real fort over the years. It's a local story, takes place mainly in the castle and the nearby, burnt lands as well as in the ruins of a town with some few survivors that are opressed by a religious fanatic. Very depressing story, especially regarding the ending...
ALAS, BABYLON by ehm... Frank something...
Well, not a 'brutal' story. This is more about how some survivors in one of the few 'save zones' get along whilst electricity and a lot of external sources are cut down and the rivers waters are poisoned. It's still a dark tale, but very nice too.
POSTMAN by Niven
The movie is a different thing than the book. I liked it. Not my favorite, but still a good read. Has a good depressing over-tone.
"D-E-S-T-R-O-Y : E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G"