Slightly creeped by...

Okay, I watched this in school on Thursday, and I have to ask this: Was anyone else slightly creeped out by the Ghost of Christmas Past? I don't know why I was. The movie itself was very sweet (though I can't say any of my classmates liked it), though.

(Also, does anyone else think the Ghost of Christmas Present looks like the Burger King guy? Heh...)

Previously doggydude007
Canged due to the fact that...I'm a girl.


the ghost of christmas past terrifies me. She gave me nightmares as a child


My husband and I watched this last night and I said to him "you know, that ghost always creeped me out, she doesnt belong in a muppet movie".

"I'm so smart I'm practically retarded" ~Mason - Dead Like Me


Of course she does, "muppet" movie, what does that imply? Muppet movies should be more akin to the emotionless kiddie junk of this generation? I strongly disagree if so, family movies should be movies sprinkled with emotion, if they toned down the ghost, or even the ghost of Christmas yet to come, there wouldn't be such an emotional reaction to them, and that would be dull tripe.


Calm down Revrant. By "muppet movie" I only meant a movie with the Muppets in it. I do agree with your statement about "emotionless kiddie junk of this generation", but by saying that I didn't feel this particular ghost belonged in the movie I just meant that she didn't have the same "muppet look" of the other two ghosts. Even the Ghost of Christmas yet to come looked more like a muppet. The Ghost of Christmas past was just creepy, and that's all I meant by my post. No need to pick a fight about it.



If the ghost of Christmas Past was something friendlier it wouldn't have the same affect at all. The reason the ghost is as creepy as it is, is to the set the tone for what will happen.



the ghost of christmas past didn't really freak me out, it was definitly the Ghost of Christmas Future. Wow. and i gotta agree with brownish33!!!! and i'll also have to say the future ghost reminds me of the dementors from Harry Potter.


I Disagree. The Ghost of Christmas past was very creepy, and could have been toned down, because she was the ghost of what has already happened. Where as the ghost of Christmas Yet To Be, could have been spooker. I found that ghost was very half-assed. I think he should have been more Flowing, like the ghost of Christmas past.


He/she/it reminded me right off of the Dementors from harry potter! He used to frighten me soo much when I was younger, hell, he still does kinda make me uneasy. I mean, no face, flowy grey robes, scabby, long, corpse-like hands...creepy.

''Are you a real-life pilot?''
''I sure am, little lady.''


she was a pretty creepy I thought


The ghost of christmas past reminds me of a scary little floaty porcelain fetus or something...that's always the vibe I got from her. DEFINITELY creepy.

~SPOON: We ain't no forks!~


That one is Ghost of Christmas yet to come. The past one is the little girl-like one.


it was creepy but i thought she was sweet, even tho she's been around for thousands of years she still has that child like innocence about her

"sir, sir, i gotta check and see if you've soiled yourself, I'll get to you in a moment, sir!"


She is very disturbing, especially for a childrens film. She use to freak me out as a child and even now she still does

"T'ank you veddy much!"

(Formerly The_godfather_06, Godfather_07 & Mr_Martini_08)


LMAO, this is exactly why I came to this board, to see if anyone else was creeped out by her!


She was a bit odd, as far as muppets go.


No, I disagree - who I found disturbing most of all out of all the spirits was the spirit of xmas yet to come unsettling now, and downright scary as a child. He's like a hugh, non-speaking Dementor.

"Since you went away, a year ago, at Christmas" - New Year, Sugababes


I wasnt really that scared by the Ghost of Christmas Future in this version. I dont know why exactly, but he/she seemed less intimidating than other versions. Even the one from Mickeys Christmas Carol spooked me out more.


Yea... I totally get what you mean. It had a freaky, ethereal quality about it, rather like "Lady in the Water" or something. I actually came on here to see if anyone else was freaked out by the SOCP. Good to see a healthy community of you people. lol


wow this is totally why i came to this board! i hate that little thing! i never understood why they didnt make her a muppet instead of animating her or whatever... she totally gave me nightmares when i was little! she's like a little porcelain doll with a creepy 'children of the corn' voice... they fo sho should have done something different


Yes!The Ghost of Christmas Past in this version gave me fears alright.She was like this floaty white doll with hair that looks like flame and big creepy blue eyes.*shivers*And talk about that voice of hers sounds a little like the dead twin girls from "The Shining".Oh just thinking of it makes me quiver.As a child,I often lost appetite after watching her.

I'm hopelessly head over heels for Christian Bale.


freakin hell, the ghost of Christmas yet to come was the scariest, that thing gave me nightmares as a child, and i still find it disturbing today. as for the ghost of Christmas past, she had a surreal, porcelain quality to her, not unlike something out of a Tim Burton fantasy. I think shes fine, its just the ghost of Christmas yet to come, i think its easier to look at the dementors or ringwraiths than it is to look at that thing. and when i say ringwraiths, i mean hooded and without their hoods, people who've seen that will know what i mean...

Official Bleeder


I alwayas thought that the Ghost of Xmas past was rather more scary because she looks like a rather frightening ghost of an otherwise innocent young child. The Ghost of Xmas Yet to Come is a very stereotypical vision of something designed to scare people - after all, it is very similar to the dementors in the Harry Potter films. I have yet to see anything as creepy as that Ghost of Xmas Past.

"Do you want it?" YES, Jareth!


The ghost of christmas yet to come is supposed to be the scarey one...but how many times have we seen that stupid cloaked figure...

The ghost of the past was freaky! There is nothing scarier than an innocent looking little dead girl... look at the grudge, shining, and other movies. They always use some cute looking girl then make her sinister. creepy...


I was young when this movie came out and the Ghost of Christmas Past scared the crap out of me!!!


Christmas Past is really quite unsettling - not human, but not a proper Muppet either. Far too ethereal for her own good! Christmas Yet to Come didn't really work for me in this version - not shadowy or floaty enough, and its arms are out of proportion to the rest of its body. But CP is just... urg *shudder*


she didn't seem to fit in considering that she wasn't a human or a muppet. but i still quite like her. i'm just wondering why she looked so out of place

'Little monkey down! LITTLE MONKEY DOWN!' (Julia Murney in Wicked)


Slightly creeped? Try ungodly frightened! I'd forgotten how scary she was until I just saw it again tonight.


The Ghost of Christmas Future was definitely scary, though he didn't give me nightmares. I didn't have a problem with the Ghost of Christmas Past not being a human or a Muppet. I think that's one of the reasons why this is one of my favorite Muppet films. Sure the Muppets are still the hyperactive characters they've always been, but I've liked it that they even managed to put in many un-Muppet characters or scenes in here. On the documentary, Brian Henson said one of his favorite scenes was the one where Scrooge is scared by the door knocker (in the shape of Statler no less) because it didn't feel like a Muppet film there as it was trying to go for something genuinely scary. I mean, can you think of any scene in The Great Muppet Caper like that? Or Muppets Take Manhatten?

That said, the scariest part for me was always right before Statler and Waldorf appear, and you hear those bubbling noises and the ghostly choir singing as Scrooge looks with fear and nervousness.



The Ghost of Christmas Past reminds me of another Muppet that used to creep me out when I was a kid. I wish I knew its name. The Muppet was a taller, male scientist with hair gelled upward. I think the only time I saw him was during a special - re-aired on Nickelodeon - that explored behind-the-scenes of the Muppets.

Anyone know the Muppet I'm talking about? I'd like to see him again, just to see if he is as creepy as I remember.

UPDATE: I found the Muppet: Digit ( Yep, he's as freaky-looking as I remember.




God she creeps me out and i am 33. Imagine waking up and seeing her float towards you. The only thing that creeps me out more from a movie designed for children is the banshee from Darby O'Gill and the Little People, now thats spooky, hope they dont try to tag team scare me


captain-karanga... I was waiting for someone to make the distinction of Dark Crystal and Labyrinth through this whole thread! I was never scared of the muppet when I watched it when I was little but when I watch it now I still think the seskies are more frightening than GOCP ever was.

"Good evening, Godless Sodomites." - Stephen Colbert


"UPDATE: I found the Muppet: Digit ( Yep, he's as freaky-looking as I remember."

*looks at picture*


I've never seen that muppet before, but you're right!
That face creeps me out!
An almost dead expression :(.

Creepier than the Ghost of Christmas Past...she more or less has always intrigued me more than creeped me out.


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"


I was home alone on Christmas last night, and popped that movie in. I had the lights turned down, and then remembered how the ghost of Christmas past always freaked me out! I did man up and keep the lights off, but I did feel a bit uneasy knowing she was coming up soon. I also wanted to check these boards to see if there was a thread about her.


100% agree. Till this day she freaks me the hell out!


My take of it is that they made ghost of Christmas past look a lot like kira from Jim Henson's first fantasy film, the dark crystal. If you take a look at Kira, then take a look at ghost of Xmas past, they look a lot the same, and even sound the sale too.
