Differneces Beween This Version And Others
Let me start off by saying I love this movie but it's worth pointing there are two major differences between this version and the all the others (that I've seen anyway)
1. In all other versions Scrooge was shown to be a nice guy before he improved his wealth but in this he never appeared to be nice even as a child hence this quote "Who cares about stupid old Christmas?"
2. In all other versions Scrooge's backstory is explained in detail about how he became the person he was i.e. being Hated by his father by his father and forced to stay behind at Christmas and how close he was to his sister before she died but in this version his sister isn't even mentioned which seems strange.
There's also other minor differences such as the inclusion of Robert Marley and that his nephew seems to actually hate him rather than feel sympathy for him as he does in other versions.