funniest part...

Did anyone else notice when Beaker flips off Scrooge as he is walking out of the office? I didn't stop laughing for days (literally) after seeing that.


lol yeah it was fantastic! haha, this movie takes me back to my childhood!!!!

Check out (no reference to the film serendipity! LOL!)


I also thought the "by-mistake" line "It is the American Way!" was one of the funniest part of the film....Somehow it just cracked me up.


My sister bought this video on D.V.D. for her son, and I watched a little extra that involved Brian Henson, Rizzo and Gonzo. For the most part it was interesting to look at how they were doing some of the special effects like the first ghosts underwater look, but there was also a bit at the end where there was an "interview" with Piggy and it was hilarious.....
"There are no huge actresses, only small actresses in huge parts, right? WRONG! There are huge actresses in miniscule parts......they could have made a Mrs. Scrouge, but NO!" "Gonzo's a geek....a CREEP....other than that we get along."


"You'll love business. It is the American way."
"Uh, Sam...?"
*Gonzo whispers in his ear*
"Oh. It is the BRITISH way."


I believe it's after Miss Piggy, as Bob Cratchet's wife, says something to their daughters and gets their names confused....

"I'm Betina!"
"I'm Belinda!"

Just the way it's done, it's hilarious.

--"The principles of surgery are the same above and below the neck."--


The BRITISH way almost killed me, but I love the part where the rats dress up all Carribean-like and start singing. Hilarious.

And when Scrooge throws the wreath at the bunny. Greatness.

The bullet of justice caps evil's ass!


Heat wave!Oye! This is my island in the sun. Oye! Oye! I like the bunny part too.

"To love another person is to see the face of God"


Scrooge: How would the book keepers like to find themselves suddenly UNEMPLOYED?
Book keepers: HEAT WAVE.....

A stranger's just a friend you've never met.


"Scrooge: How would the book keepers like to find themselves suddenly UNEMPLOYED?
Book keepers: HEAT WAVE....."

Yes! Greatness...!

The songs are also great. The Henson Company always delivers.

The bullet of justice caps evil's ass!


I like the bloopers on the DVD, like when after Scrooge walks by and Rizzo says "Ooh, is it getting cold in here?" and Gonzo turns to him and says "You have been asking me that all day and I don't have an answer because it's not in the script!"

Also the blooper from the first Christmas without Tiny Tim:

Betina: "May I have his dinner?"

--"The principles of surgery are the same above and below the neck."--


I loved all the interaction between Gonzo and Rizzo. I think the funniest dialogue is when Gonzo tells Rizzo that since he's the storyteller he's omniscent, and Rizzo goes "well, hoitey-toitey Mr. God-like smarty-pants!" That slayed me!


The "blooper" where Gonzo is twirlling the grappling hook and whacks himself in the head!
Rizzo: Oh my GOD! MEDIC!!!"

I litterally rolled on the floor!


When Gonzo tells Rizzo to jump off the fence and he's very scared, but he does anyway. And then he goes through the fence to get his jellybeans. The look Gonzo gives him is priceless.


Rizzo the Rat: There are two things in life I hate-heights and jumping from them.
Gonzo: Come on, I'll catch you.
Rizzo the Rat: God save my little broken body.
[Jumps and falls to the ground. He looks at Gonzo]
Gonzo: Missed.
Rizzo the Rat: Oh wait- I forgot my jellybeans.
[Slides through the bars to retrieve them, and joins Gonzo back on the other side, who is staring at him]
Rizzo the Rat: What?
Gonzo: You can fit through those bars?
Rizzo the Rat: Yeah.
Gonzo: You are such an idiot.

Rizzo the Rat: This is scary stuff! Shouldn't we be worried about the kids in the audience?
Gonzo: Oh, no, this is culture!

my favourit eparts, nothing to do with the story but it made me laugh in a way i haven't done since bambi's mother died,

Thunderbirds Aren't Slow


My favorite part is when Rizzo offers Gonzo a jelly bean...
Rizzo: "Jelly bean? I had them in my pocket all along."
Gonzo: *sigh*
*Rizzo kisses Gonzo on the nose*
That part is sooo cute!

"Choose the one you love, and love your choice."


lmao yes that kissing-on-the-nose bit is my fave bit too!! It's so cute and random!!


"light the lamp, not the rat, LIGHT THE LAMP, NOT THE RAT!"


Oh gosh, I love that line too!

"To love another person is to see the face of God"


no one mentioned this yet, but my absolute FAVE part is in the middle where they're at the party and the chef is "singing" deck the halls and the food goes lalalala; it was so cute and funny how he jus puts the top over them lol. me and my best friend will continue imitating the cook to this day.


how can he, he only has 4 fingers


When the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come shows up.

Rat I'm Getting Scared
Gonzo: Yea Me too lets get out of here.

Then Gonzo turns to the Camera and says.

See you at the end of the Film your on your own.

or something like that. a great bit.

Too many funny parts to name a great Movie and a good Intro to The Christmas Carol for all the Younger People and a Must Read for Everyone who can read.


Actually, the Swedish Chef's hands are neither puppet hands nor gloves. Frank Oz slips his actual hands through the sleeves of the costume and proceeds to throw things.


This whole movie is amazing, despite the heavy schmaltz in some parts. Great songs, good acting, perfect for little kids as well as any adult who isn't a jerk...For me the funniest part, no question, is when Miss Piggy takes a shot. Hilarious.



Gonzo: I am here to tell the story.
Rizzo: And I am here for the food.

This movie rocks and Gonzo is the best.


my favourite bit is when rizzo is frozen and gonzo takes him into the christmas party and cracks him out of the ice. rizzo looks so sweet, shivering away!

i'm not a slut...i'm just popular


I can't believe no one posted this yet! When Scrooge is all reformed and he comes to the Cratchit house and is acting like he's angry at him. my fav line goes something like this:

Scrooge: And i'm gonna raise your...
Mrs. Cratchit: (interrupting)I'm gonna raise you right off the pavement and onto the...
Scrooge:... salary and pay off your mortgage.
Mrs. Scrooge: ...wuh-what?!

gotta see it cuz it's hard to type, but still, cracks me up everytime.

Where are we? Why is Dunkin Donuts selling Chicken McNuggets and fries??


"Light the lamp not the rat! Light the lamp not the rat!!! LIGHT THE LAMP NOT THE RAT!"

That's the best ^^

"Come on you dope
Untie his rope
And watch him go insane!"


I watched this when it first came out i was like 2, thoses were the first lines i ever rembered from the movie, "Light the lamp not the rat! Light the lamp not the rat!!! LIGHT THE LAMP NOT THE RAT!" It got so carried away that i would randomly say it, on the tape of my 3rd birthday as my mom is lighting the candels I yelled it... I just love this whole movie

Only sexy guys wear labcoats...


When the shelf with all the statues are on it, the one with all the famous playwrights and all, and then it shows Gonzo and Rizzo.

Heat Wave!!

I love this whole movie really


Scrooge: How would the book keepers like to find themselves suddenly UNEMPLOYED?
Book keepers: HEAT WAVE..... this is my island in thee sun!!


also at the beginning with the song - there goes mr humbug there goes mr sin or whatever the words are theres a bit when the mice go

'no more cheeses for us meeces' not even that funny but just makes me laugh!!!




Rizzo: Safe at last. (cat meows) No...
Gonzo: Rizzo, stop playing with the Cat!
(Gonzo and rizzo go inside the school house, cat collides with the door and makes a pained meow as he falls back)

(Palpatine Holds up a femur bone) Lord Vader...this is Padme.


Rizzo: (after his tail being lit on fire) Hey, hey, hey, light the lamp, not the rat, light the lamp, not the rat, put me out, put me out...
Gonzo: Rizzo?
Rizzo: What?
(Gonzo pushes him off of the lamp post into a frozen barrel of water)
Rizzo: Ahhhh!
(Rizzo peeps out of the water)
Rizzo: Th-th-thank you
Gonzo: You're Welcome!

I adore that part, this is probably Gonzo and Rizzo's best parts in any of the muppet movies! They were the only good part to Muppets in Space.

=P What happened to the gazelles? Did they get squashed under the CD department? =P
