MovieChat Forums > The Mighty Ducks (1992) Discussion > So, Riley molested Gordon, right?

So, Riley molested Gordon, right?

Seems to explain the awkwardness when they first meet, and Bombay's anger towards him.


emotionally molested him maybe


Wasn't it because he killed his love for the game of hockey being too competitive as a coach?


reilly ruined hockey for gordon


Coach Riley would not have lasted very long in the real world behind a bench.


Riley did seem like a child molester for sure!


Seeing as hockey is infamous for coaches sodomizing players, I would say there's a good chance they were hinting at that. Maybe being why Gordon was so obsessed with being a Duck, he just wanted to fly away and not be molested anymore.

Riley was down with the butt sex.


Reilly must have handed out corporal punishment in the form of wet towel lashes for 'not scoring when you had the chance'.


I imagine Theo Fleury was his towel boy.


I doubt it really for the sexual abuse. Mental abuse, definatly he made Gordon hate his true passion and what he loved in life and he ran from it for ages.

Riley was just a piece of *beep* of a man and of a coach. Those harsh and douchy coaches were common in the old days as no one cared about abuse or harshness they just wanted results and Riley won a majority of the time hence why he could do those emotional guilt trips on Gordon and get away with it.

Now if any coach ever did that or whatever else Riley did he would be fired immediately and replaced with someone else. There's no use for emotional or any kind of abuse or encouraging cheap shots.


It still goes on. I've seen wuite a few coaches display inexcusable behaviour. What's worse is then the parents join in and actually encourage this. I don't know if things are better now, I don't have that much to compare it to, but childrens sports seems to attract a disproportionate amount of whack-jobs.


Well that brings a whole new meaning to the bit when Gordon says "you're going down Riley"
