a boy at our school, Jordan, had adrenoleukodystrophy. Today, he died at 5 in the morning and it was quickly getting around the school. the woman who pushed his wheelchair and helped him through everything was very upset, and its so sad knowing someone who has this disease and died..


He stands tall like the river.



I don't get it...what's so funny?


Pay no attenion to the cretin. Most likely he suffers more and constantly from a far worse affliction: lack of sensibility(sometimes known as stupidity).


I am right now forming a charity in my school for "my a difference" day on October 28th and out of all the things that were available, my money is going to the "Stop ALD foundation". I'm planning on handing out information on ALD [to those who aren't aware of it] and selling things [ i dont really know what yet] to make the money.


It is sad that he died, but consider the fact that he is no longer suffering fromthe terrible disease.


What? who ever said he died. He's 28 years old. He's still paralized, blind, and deaf.


No, no, no. Not Lorenzo. Jordan, a boy from the first poster's school, died. But again, he knows the river. And Lorenzo, while nearly compleatly paralized (except for his fingers and eyes)is blind, but not deaf. He loves being read to and listening to music and receiving letters.

God Bless Jordan!
