MovieChat Forums > Lorenzo's Oil (1993) Discussion > Lorenzo Odone, 1978-2008

Lorenzo Odone, 1978-2008

May 30th, 2008 | WASHINGTON -- The man whose parents' battle to save him from a nerve disease was told in the movie "Lorenzo's Oil" died Friday at his home in Virginia, having lived more than 20 years longer than doctors had predicted.

Lorenzo Odone, who doctors had predicted would die in childhood, died one day after his 30th birthday, said his father, Augusto Odone.

Lorenzo Odone had come down with aspiration pneumonia recently after getting food stuck in his lungs, his father said. He began bleeding heavily, and before an ambulance reached their home his son was dead, Odone said.

"He could not see or communicate, but he was still with us," Odone said Friday. "He did not suffer. ... That's the important thing."

Odone was found at age 6 to have adrenoleukodystrophy, or ALD. His doctors told his parents the disease — caused by a genetic mutation that causes the neurological system to break down — would lead to death in two years.

The disease leads to the accumulation of substances called very long chain fatty acids in cells, which damages the material that coats nerve fibers in the brain.

Susan Sarandon and Nick Nolte starred as Michaela and Augusto Odone in 1992's "Lorenzo's Oil," which recounted their efforts to formulate the oil they said helped their son fight the neurological disease, despite lacking scientific backgrounds.

Sarandon earned an Academy Award nomination for her performance.

A study published in 2005, based on research with 84 boys, showed that a treatment made from olive and rapeseed oils — patented by Augusto Odone — can prevent onset of the disease's symptoms for most boys who receive an ALD diagnosis.

Odone plans to take his son's ashes to New York to mix them with those of his wife, who died in 2000. Then, Odone said, he will sell his home in Fairfax, Va., and move back to his native Italy.

Odone also plans to write a book memorializing his son, "to tell the story of Lorenzo as a way to make him live on."



pneumonia...that is a really a big killer if you are a vegetable. At least it was not ALD that killed him.

RIP Lorenzo Odone

"We share the same biology regardless of ideology"-Sting, 1985


Oh man I had pneumonia a few months ago..It's was horrible.

At least he died rather peacefully and lived longer. His father should feel rather proud.

Official BLEEDER


I dont mean to be disrespectful, but let us be honest here...he was a vegetable for decades. it is ridiculous that parents would be so selfish as to force him to live that way until he was 30 yrs old. I watched this movie in my 9th grade biology class 10 years ago and always wondered what happened to this poor kid...the movie was definitely traumatizing and the realization of it being real life for many families was also heartbreaking........but these parents were obsessive in their quest to "BEAT" this disease instead of being obsessed in the quest to allow their child to rest in peace. If someone cannot communicate or see or do anything but have random events of close to death experiences throughout the years as a vegetable you should let them go.

His parents shouldnt be proud. They allowed a child who died as a child to live in a state of misery for 20 extra years. It is disgusting. Many families are faced everyday with having to "pull the cord" on loved ones and they do it because that persons comfort is more important than their selfish need to hold on.


I can see your POV bay. That certainly starts the discussion of quality vs. quantity. Unfortuntly, Lorenzo only had a quantity life. I'm not trying to be mean but it's true. I grew up in Tampa so that whole Terri Schiavo case was very well known. I was disappointed when they got the government involved. Also, after she died it was discovered that most of her brain was gone (so to speak) and she was blind. So what her family thought was her responding with her eyes was actually reflux. Oops just realized I got OT. Sorry!


i have to kind of agree with you, bay area. i'm in the medical field and see this alllllll the time. it's vert sad. it's a twisted way of being selfish, but people don't realize it.

poor lorenzo. may he finally rest in true peace.


i dont agree and ill tell you why. until they allow people the right to die they should not force someone choke to death to end there suffering. Why is it we put people on death row to sleep for doing harm to others and not allow ones that dont have quality to. Until they change that law ill think it was ok for what the parents did. even in the movie the said at the end "after all this do you think we did it for someone elses kid?". also in the movie the mother says to lorenzo that if he wanted to die then go ahead so i would think lorenzo wanted to stay alive

"I dont mean to be disrespectful, but let us be honest here...he was a vegetable for decades. "



Very sad but in a way, it's a blessing he died, especially before his father because who knows what would have happened to him had his father gone first.

I can understand bay_area_wonderland's PoV but I suppose it's all very well saying that it's cruel to fight to keep a severely disabled child alive until it's your own child. And, at the very least, the Odones' should be proud that while their cure never really saved Lorenzo, it did help many other boys.

"I always pretend to root for Gryffindors but, secretly, I love my Slytherin boys."~ Karen, W&G


you're right cosmic. it did help many other children and that's great....i have forgotten the ID of the person who said "did you see the movie, he wasnt suffering" or something to that affect...yeah, that's a movie. in the movie it seemed like he was suffering quite a bit as they had to save him quite a bit throughout the film from choking to death and things of that nature....and in REALITY i bet it happened very often in the past 20+ years.

I also find difficulty with the religious angle some people including the parents use....If you're so religious and believe that the Lord has a plan for him, that he is an angel here for a reason and has cemented his reason for being by helping his parents create this medicine to help other ALD children then why must he need all of these machines and tubes to keep on Earth when in Heaven he would be free of all constraints? Another hypocrisy of Christianity for me. If you have the faith that God has a plan, let him work...not IV's and machines while ZERO improvement is being shown.

i dont mean gay like homosexual...i mean gay like retarded.


Lorenzo was not dependent on machines - only tube feeds because he was unable to swallow. I hope you arent saying its pointless to keep severely disabled people alive if they require artificial support - ie tube feed, ventilators etc. If so then you've effectively killed Steven Hawking - the most intelligent person on the planet. I've had 58 operations, 1500 procedures and spent most of my life in hospital. By your argument I probably shouldnt be alive either.


Um ALD is nothing like Stephen Hawkins or YOU...Lorenzo could not get on a computer and type. Lorenzo could not speak. Lorenzo would never be able to live to prosper and accomplish things such as education........all of which are very sad. You comparing Stephen Hawkins and yourself to his situation is absolutely ridiculous. He was in essence a breathing vegetable. His situation reminded me of seeing my uncle on his very last days dying of AIDS, only he was blessed to pass without having to live in that state for 20 yrs.

i dont mean gay like homosexual...i mean gay like retarded.


Was Lorenzo a complete vegetable? I read somewhere that though he was physically unable to do anything, he was still himself mentally and was still able to think normally just as he did when he was six.




I think - I really want to believe - that his parents did what they thought was the only way to save him - without realizing, or knowing, what would happen to him after all, and that they were not selfish, but loving parents who wanted to save their child.

He was a beautiful child, and I cannot imagine how hard would be to let this boy die without trying something, anything ...

anyway, a sad history, and my condolences to those who loved him



So how do we get rid of you?


how can you say he suffered? did you talk to him? from what i have read and saw in the movie the were ready for him to pass away if that was what he wanted. It seemed to me lorenzo was a fighter and wanted to stay alive. His best parents and best friend were with him and i would think they knew him a little better. These parents should be commended for loenzons life work and i look forward to reading the book his father is writing now. doctors are not god and the final say on how you can treat yourself or your kids

"or let the person suffer for years plus waste time and money when no cure is possible"


I dont have any children, so i dont know how it feels to be a parent.I think only a parent would really be able to understand how it feels to have a child who is ill, and whether you would want them to live or die.

I am very saddened by the news of Lorenzo's death.I have seen this filmed based on his life afew times.However, at the same time, at least he isnt suffering anymore, and that is what his sister Cristina said in the article i read about it in the newspaper.



We're having you banned from Bye bye



okay thats just bay wonderland person's opinion there is no reason to have them banned because of their opinions. im not saying that i agree with bay wonderland but there is absolutely no reason to ban them cuz their religion thinks that they should leave it in the hands of god


I have always wondered if it is only physical abilities that are affected by loss of myelin? Is the ability to think and reason still there but trapped? The movie implied it.

Anyway, Lorenzo's experience and what he suffered from has led to thousands of children being tested at birth and being helped before symptoms start.

So shut up about the parents prolonging his life. Lorenzo's life was lived in service to others.

Who can ever say when it is time to die? However, I do agree that TErri Schiavo probably should ahve been let free from her world of pain years earlier. There was no treatment for her because her condition was caused not by genetics but a heart attack. Terri also never communicated with her parents.

Lorenzo on the other hand, proved thru intervention that he could communicate with others.

This is a controversial subject and never the twain shall meet. Stop bashing others for their opinions.
Live and let live. Lorenzo's parents did the right thing by helping him and helped the world at the same time.


I always assumed the ability to think and reason was there but expression was gone, or limited.

Let's just say that God doesn't believe in me.




RIP Lorenzo.


If I didn't know any better I'd say Lorenzo tried to kill himself to just get it over with and stop living in misery.

The parents were just reaching with all the signs that showed him to be "functioning". He was unable to do anything. Keeping him alive is just selfish.


While I think it was noble for Lorenzo's parents to try to reach a cure for a horrible disease, and while I believe they as parents did everything they could out of love to save their child: I believe poor lorenzo did suffer. Now, I didn't live with him or know him, but if I know anything about ALD or being in a vegetative state (which I do to a little thanks to being a biology student) once your ability to swallow goes, you have a hard time keeping from aspirating saliva and food. As they showed in the movie several times, Lorenzo had to be "suctioned" to keep foreign things out of his airway and lungs. If they don't catch it in time with airway suction, the person begins to choke. Now, if you've ever choked on a piece of food, or swallowed too fast, you know the sensation and how terrifying it is. Imagine that happening consistently, and if Lorenzo was truly aware as they say he was, he would have known he was choking and was unable to signal for help. That is a truly helpless feeling.

Now, this is just an opinion and I'm not a doctor but I would think judging by his physical state its unfair to say he didn't suffer...but then again maybe its unfair to say he did.

Either way, I wish his family the best, and I truly believe there is a special place for the Lorenzos of the world.


I recalled in the movie, whenever that sweet little boy was having one of those attacks, he was screaming and everyone was surrounding him and holding him, as I was crying and clinging onto my nephew's sweater, I kept wondering if he was trying to cry out 'mommy help me make the pain stop' or 'mommy i hate this, ask Jesus to take me home'.

I know that if I were in Lorenzo's shoe, I would be begging death to come knocking or I would try to get my mother or my sisters to help me end the pain.

But now I don't have to worry, he was chosen to be the one subject so his parents could learn about the oil and what it can do and then the oil was discovered and now it has helped others. His long and painful task is done and now the Angels have carried him home to God and Jesus, thank God.


Lorenzo WAS NOT A VEGETABLE!! His mind was compleatly intact and he communicated with those around him through blinking and moving his fingers and certain throat sounds. I don't know how everyone here thinks they can judge what a life is worth? Where are you gonna draw the line with someone whose sick, or crippled, or even if there mind is somewhere you can't understand. He had so much love given to him and imagination given to him...are you gonna go shoot a kid, who doesn't have that. There's body is intact, but they're in a slum being raped and beaten each day? If you're awake, you'll give them all the good quality you can. Quanity is so governed in time and's only qaulity that can revolutionize it.

Before for you all make your "righteous judgements" why don't you go find out some more about Lorenzo and his family...


So you chose life, that is fine by me but for others who don't want to continue with the pain, they wish to go on without it and I can understand that. I don't know what constant pain would be like but if it were me and I was in constant pain then I would make the decision to kick the bucket. And as I said Lorenzo is finally taken to Heaven, you think us pro-life supporters are murders and killers don't you?


Didn't say that, i'm not pro or anti anything...if Lorenzo could communicate, i'm sure his family talked to him about this often, and I'm sure he voiced what he felt in the hardest and happiest of time. Quality is certainly more important than quanity, but no body other than the person has the right to take a life. You guys aren't Lorenzo, you can't make the descision for him as if you know everything. Most of you guys are only getting your info from the movie. If you really want to know some more, why don't you go on his website, get questions and answers there.


Well said onlybegottenson. Rest in peace Lorenzo Odone, I know you're in a much better place.

In the instant that we learn Michael is gone, we know nothing.
Maya Angelou
