MovieChat Forums > Lorenzo's Oil (1993) Discussion > For the so called human who called Loren...

For the so called human who called Lorenzo gay

Lorenzo Odone, has Adrenoleukodystrophy. He is still battling it, this disease only affects boys and there is another strain that infact effects men from the ages of 16 all the way in to there 40's. I pray that your or anybody in your family is never struck down by such a disease, for your stupidity is awful. You are no better then those cruel people who protest at soldiers funerals who claim that is is gods doing for how homosexuality has esculated. You may read up on Lorenzo, Augusto and Michaela at
Please read from this site and educate yourself. God help anybody who is struck with such a dibilitating and regressive disease!

For those of you touched by Lorenzo's story, You may as I have sign up to receive a newletter in the mail from the Myelin Project, also there is a address so you may write to Lorenzo. He loves getting mail... He may not beable to speak and do a whole lot but he loves for Augusto (Lorenz's dad) to read mail to him, I am sure it will brighten his day!

~Sander~Fan of GB
The world showed no compassion for me!


if he's not able to speak.. how the hell do you know he loves getting mails?

reply, he may not beable to comunicate verbally but he can In his own ways.... Have you even seen Lorenzo's story?

~Sander~Fan of GB
The world showed no compassion for me!



Probably uses a vocoder like Stephen Hawking or Ben Young.


I agree with you completely and I could not have said it better myself


Thank you. It just pisses me off when people say stupid *beep* like that, like Lorenzo ask to inherit such a disease.

Sander ~Proud Squirrel~


I was disgusted with that topic also. (And I'm gay.) I came here to pay my respects to the Odone's and saw that mean/vapid discussion. I'm sure the goofball who wrote it was trying to be edgy and funny, but all I could imagine was the Odones reading that insulting mockery of their son. I'm generally open to leaving even the most controversial debates on the web. And I've even said my share of controversial things, but that thread was beyond the pale.

I asked to have the thread removed, explaining precisely why it was so distasteful. And apparently... IMDB agreed.


That thread was disgusting but all we can hope that the poster was just some stupid little boy who was looking for some attention and didn't actually mean to be cruel.

"I always pretend to root for Gryffindors but, secretly, I love my Slytherin boys."~ Karen, W&G


Uh, Lorenzo is dead. He died at the age of 30, I believe in 2006.


No, he passed away in May of this year, and even if he did, does that make the post of the guy I was addressing any less cruel? No it does not.

Sander ~Proud Squirrel~


Wonder if it was the same poster who called my now almost four-year-old (he was two or early three when I posted) gay in response to my post about his fears. He has developmental delays and has a problem with his myelination, although unlikely a Leukodystrophy he has been tested. I reported the post, but IMDB never took it down until the entire board of that topic was wiped clean, I think.

I find that if someone writes something so offensive you can look at their posting history and that's pretty much what they do all the time. It's really sad. I'd rather have a child with developmental delays who is kind than one with perfect development who is cruel. We're not sure if we passed on our son's problems, but we have not passed on cruelty.

I always liked the way a scraped knee looks on a girl. - Mrs. Harker


I discovered this thread too late.
Rest in peace, buddy.



There is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay. I made this thread as response to an individual who had called Lorenzo gay in a malicious manner. I was defending Lorenzo. No more no less. It's one thing to call someone like Penelope Cruz or Joe Jonas gay. They can defend themselves if they wish. But in the case of Lorenzo, he can not. I've searched for the origial post and can't find it.

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