Favorite lines

Rodney talking to the bartender about his troubles:

"I dressed her son up like a girl and I talked him into playing with me..."


"I'm great, I'm wonderful, EVERYBODY LIKES ME."

That's his motto from the selfhelp group in the opening scene. I can't remember anything else right now but if i think of one i'll let you know. I used to think Vinessa Shaw was smokin' when I was a kid and I saw her recently in 40 days and 40 night and eyes wide shut...Damn.
And yeah this movie is awesome and ur line is great.


i liked when matthew was in the ice cream shop and he was talking to the guy that works there about the girl not knowing he was a boy i thought that was funny and he looked really hott in that scene


Chester: If I am an :bleep: there's a reason for it, you're contagious.


"Go home, your momma's calling you" - Nancy when running with the ball, trying to "psyche" the other team out as per Jackee.

"Get those nailbreakers" - Sally Anne's Mom

"Hold your head up high ... " - Woman in the elevator who thought Rodney and Jackee were getting married

"You want my first name, or my last? It's Penny ... P-P-P-ester" - Penny

Oh and don't forget the great song that played in the background during the soccer competition = Summer Girls!



Chester to girl coach: I'll take you to the zoo. Theyll probably thank me for bringing you back

Chester to Boss:She's definetly not 2 faced. If she was, she'd wear the other one.


"My name is Chester, I'm great, I'm wonderfull, everybody likes me."
"My name is Chester, I'm great, I'm wonderfull, everybody likes me."

"Hey Chester, my Name's Harland & think that you're a giant A**hole.

"Well if I'm an A**hole there's a reason for it, You're contagious"

(Hence My quote) :

"If I'm an A**h0le There's a Reason For It, You're Contagious."


Paul: Well there she is talk to her.
Mathew: Oh I can't Paul what would I say?
Paul: Flatter her, girls like that stuff. Tell her you like her eyes, her lips, her hair the way she parts her hair. In fact tell her you love all her parts.

Mrs. Yowlen: Mathew?
Mathew: Oh hi Mrs. Yowlen.
Mrs. Yowlen: Are you all right Mathew? Who is that man?
Mrs. Yowlen: Yeah I'm fine Mrs.Yowlen he's not a stranger....he's just strange

Chester: Get outta the net you're not a fish!
(Chester blows whistle)
Chester: Pester you're in a different time zone!
(Penny Pester is still kicking the ball further and further away from the field)

Chester: I dressed her son up like a girl and I talked him into playing with me.
Bartender: Stay out! We don't want your kind!
Chester: Wow what a happy hour. Well at least I beat the check.

Welfelt: They broke my nail! Mom those bitches broke my nail!!!
Mrs. Welfelt: They broke your nail?!{Turn to the crowd} Oh they broke her nail!!
{Crowd is restless sayin "They broke her nail?!"}
Mr. Mullen: Get those nail breakers!!!
{The crowd chants "Get those nail breakers"}

Be careful Dude-Kyle
Was my mother careful when she stabbed me in zea heart with a clothes hanger while I was still in zea whom?- The Mole


Chester- Coach Bull. I know your full name! lol

Stewie- Rogers! It almost rhymes with eliminate!


Matthew, a girl doesn't slap another girl on the ass and say "Your hot stuff"

And a girl doesn't say " I gotta take a leek so bad I can taste it"

Get those nailbreakers!


Old Lady: I almost went into the men's room (screams)

Rodney: She probably saw something she never sees at home!

Hoo woo woo woo, do it hit hit, Gitter! Ooo ooo ott too OOO! Snuffer eet HOO doo!


Jackee- Looks like Norman Bates is playing soccer
Rodney- After the game, no showers!!


It's like a one legged man at an ass kicking contest!

Takes more than a firetruck to stop Drop Dead Fred!


Jackee: What do you know about soccer?
Rodney: Not much. All I know is, I got a lotta balls

Be happy in your work, pear



When they were playing in the soccer match and Martha gets hit with the ball...and falls to the ground and the nurse comes out and goes "Oh you poor dear, show me where it hurts" and Rodney goes "If she shows where it hurts, we'll need a nurse for her"

Dance like nobody's watching, Work like you don't need the money...Love like you've never been hurt


One of my favorite lines is the way its delivered. Right after they lost.

"Hey. Look at it this way. We only lost one game this season"


"This is my corner. I ain't Running NoWhere" Bodie


Mullen: So I hear your son has been seeing a lot of my daughter
Chester: Yea (more than you think)

and the ice cream shop thing was funny when he tells him that the girl likes him but thinks he's a girl and the ice cream guy goes " I don't know what you're doing but I think you're doing it wrong."


(dressed like a girl, matthew has to go to the washroom, chester checks the girl's washroom)
chester: anyone in there? mall's on fire, mall's on fire!

(everyone singing song before soccer game starts, and julie is still singing)
chester: the song is over.....

glynnis mullen: what position do you play [in soccer]?
chester: uh...the kicker...forward...backward....i played all of them!

chester's face was pretty funny when he got the idea for matthew to dress up like a girl!


Bess: (handing the car phone to Chester) Chester its Martha.
Chester: (drives off the road)
Bess: Chester!
Chester: I'm sorry, I thought I saw a raccoon.

Matthew: All the girls are going skinny dipping.
Chester: (drives off the road again) I'll tell you Bess, those raccoons are all over the place.

Chester: One word about this and you'll never reach fifteen. Get in the car quick these heels are killing me!

Bess: Why is this closed?
Chester: Oh! Oh! Oh!
Bess: What? What?
Chester: Oh, oh, I love you.

Chester: last night I had a dream that I was a soccer ball and Bess kept kicking me, I told her "don't touch me you can't use your hands".

Chester: I took her son and I dressed him up like a girl and talked him into playing with me.
Bartender: (kicking Chester out of the bar) Stay out you sicko! We don't want your kind in there!
Chester: What a happy hour. Well at least I beat the check.

Chester: Oh, positivley perfect pass play, Penny Pester.
Julie: what? would you run that by me one more time.

Chester: Atta boy Martha!


hey, let's beautify the neighborhood.........stay indoors!

jackee says good luck and gives him a thumbs up
rodney: I'm glad you gave me the right finger

she's a classy woman allright. I heard when she drives her car she keeps her legs crossed.

chester to his boss about coach annie:
at christmas they hang her, and kiss the mistletoe


(In the elevator)
Julie (to Chester): "What could be more important than a beautiful wedding?"
Elevator doors open, people push through between them: "getting off, getting off"

(don't remember the lines verbatim)
Chester's boss: "My wife is a very busy woman. She does a lot of charity work."
Chester: "Yeah, I know, she handles all the policemen's balls."


The scene with Chester & Matthew in the car

"I remember the words of my mother.She looked at me & said college is important & i have to scrub floors.And she went out for 6 years,she scrubbed floors & then she went to college".


I'm not sure of the exact lines exchanged between Chester and Jackee, but they are debating whether black or white people are better at sports.

Jacki: We the best at basketball, the best at baseball, the best at boxing and we certainly the best at soccer!!

Chester: (mumbles to himself) Badminton! best at sports..? Archery! best at sports... Oh, and what about water polo? Best at sports...

"Love, Friendship & Music"



Julie: We still got a chance.
Chester: Yeah. Like a one legged man in an asskicking contest.

Dave: I just want to be the best.
Chester: What's the use of being the best if it brings out the worst in you.
